Hearing Things

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still couldn't believe the stunt Damon pulled, we stop once we come across this random tall grass field 

"are we really going in there?" Caroline asked looking at it scared  "this just looks like a disaster waiting to happen" Matt said running his hands thru his hair getting a nod out of Bonnie  "Jer do we have to go thru there?" Elena asked also sounding worried 

Jeremy  closed his eyes and slowly started to turn each way the opened them with a sigh "seems like we do" he then put his bag down and dug thru it to pull out a machete 

"where did you get that?" "it belonged to Ric.. figured it come in hand on this trip" "he could of killed you guys on the boat" Kol said with a smile playing on his lips which made Jeremy laugh a bit before saying "ya"

Jeremy lead the way chopping down grass as he went with Klaus and Elijah behind him, followed by Damon with Elena, then me and Caroline with Kol and Bonnie behind us with Rebekah following behind then was Matt, Tyler and Hayley at he end

after a while of silence I looked at Care "you doing ok?" She nodded her head 

"did you hear that?" We turned to look at Matt who stopped and took a step away from the path we made and was looking around in the grass "hear what?" Damon shouted out from behind us

"I...I thought heard never mind" we continue to walk for a bit before Klaus flashed in front of us with his hand out in front of Caroline

We both stopped to look at him "what are you doing?" I say to him while putting Caroline behind me, he was looking at his hand confused

"Klaus?" Caroline said peeking out from behind me "I..I heard the arrow, I heard it going thru the grass towards  you" he put his hands down and looked around

"Are you sure you heard .." "I know what I heard ripper" he hissed at me, he then looked to Matt "what did you hear earlier?" "it doesn't matter what I heard the person is dead"

"Ok so you guys are nut jobs but can we keep it moving" Damon said impatiently, I grabbed Cares arm to go around Klaus and as I took a step and that's when I hear her

"You were always my favorite brother, I choose you over Damon"

I froze in my step and started to look around, trying to see thru the grass  "Stefan what's wrong?"

"So you replaced me with a blonde?"

my grip tightened on her "Stefan your hurting my arm" I looked back to Caroline and seen she was a mixed of worried and scared

"tisk tisk now she had to go"

"ah" she said again then Klaus was at her side pulling my hand away

"Whats wrong with you ripper you seem out of it"  he mocked me, I was to distracted to even question why he was rubbing her arm that I hurt

"I thought I heard someone to..."
"Not you to Stefan" Damon says coming closer to me, "who was it baby brother? Or did these two make you think you started to hear anything?"

"Damon don't start trouble" Bonnie warned him "well who was it Stefan?" Damon asked  "it was Katharine"

"Impossible" Klaus hissed while looking around "fantastic! Now we got two doppelgangers" Kol said sarcastically

"Then why are we standing around let's move" Hayley said already moving "ya let's not stand in one spot" Tyler added

"We need to separate then" "ya well how?" "Now now Katharine you'll have your revenge but I need the doppelganger and the Hunter to come here" "well how do I split up the Scooby do gang?" "Make them go to the caves" she smiled wickedly at my words "I wonder what truths are gonna come spilling out"  the caves are spelled so any mortal that enters are effected

I stayed back with Caroline and Stefan, just to be on the safe side "mom?" I looked at Caroline who was looking around "Mom!" She took off running into the grass

I reached out and grabbed her before she got to far in it  "love what are you doing?" She tried to pull away "let go of me there gonna kill her!" "your mothers not here with us" I told her while holding her steady then Elena started

"Jenna? Where are you?!" She took off running to and Damon had to get her, "vicki!" Matt yelled while taking off "Rebekah grab him!" I yelled

"What is going on?" Hayley said covering her ears while crouching down "grams?" Bonnie whispered "no Bonnie not you to" Kol said while holding her in place 

I grabbed Caroline and hosted her on my shoulders "put me down  you caveman!" "Not until you stop trying to run off, we need to get out of the dame grass, Gilbert which way.."  an arrow came out of no where which caused me to quickly dodge it

it ended up hitting Tyler square in his shoulder "ahhhh!" He yelled out in shock and pain as he hit the floor, Hayley at his side already pulling it out

Arrows started to come flying at us from all around, I quickly put Caroline down but kept her close to me, my siblings had no trouble stopping them but the others had some issues

Once they stopped I looked over Caroline to make sure she was alright before putting  my hand on her hip pushing her to lean into me, I was relived when she didn't push away but instead held onto me a lil bit 

"Is everyone all right?" Elijah shouted from where he was , he had Elena next to him with the brothers a few inches from them

"thanks Kol but give me some space now!" "What if they fire at us again?" Kol said to Bonnie getting off the floor where they ducked down "we're all good over here" Rebekah said next to Matt, Hayley and Tyler, someone was missing

"Where is the Gilbert boy?" I asked looking around "omg Jeremy!" Elena cried then took off running again, lucky Rebekah was fast

Enough to stop the trap that would of killed Elena  "stop running off or next time I'll let it happen"

"We need to find him" Matt said "no shit he's the map!" Kol yelled

"Split up" Damon said after "are you stupid!" Caroline yelled at him stepping a away from me,  he stopped and looked at her "we find him faster if we.." "splitting up in this grass maze is a stupid idea especially if we're hearing voices and lets not forget the traps!"

"She has a point Damon" Stefan said "fine let's all go look for him as a group then!" Damon said while taking off in the direction Jeremy was last  headed, he picked up the machete and stated hacking away at the grass fast "wait Damon!" Elena said while running after him

"his bag is still here" Stefan said as he picked up Gilberts' bag and started to follow after them

We all started waking, I put my hand on her lower back as we followed  "thank you" I looked at her "for What love?" She blushed a bit "for helping me out"

"Your welcome, love" I told her with a smile, still no sign of the boy and no body heard any voices any more

"Hes probably dead by now" "Damon don't say that" Elena told him that while smacking him

"What we haven't found him and you guys all stopped hearing voices so" he had a point,

"What if it was all a distraction?" I say and they all look at me "well think about it, were stronger as a group but if you pick us off one by one some of us can't survive" I say while looking at Caroline

"Why Jeremy?" Elena asked "he was our map" Bonnie added "with out him we have no idea where to go" "exactly" I said

"So whats the back up plan then?" Hayley asked

"We have no back up plan" I say "were screwed" "Kol!" "What! Elijah it's true!"

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