Caught up in the moment

330 19 4

Shit shit shit... Silas is gonna flip once I tell him I lost Stefan, but then again it has seemed that I lost him and the blonde as well, seeing that he's not answering my calls

I make my way back to where Kol's napping at, I open the door of the storage closet I tossed him in to find it empty "Shit can things get any worse!"

My phone starts going off, what now "What ever it is your calling for better be important" I hissed thru the phone "Maria is dead and the doppelganger is gone"

"Come again?" "I said Maria is.." "I know what you said but you were supposed to be guarding her as well so how did she escape!" "I went to gather my spell books and when I came back I seen her dead"

"Well deal with you later right now I need to find Silas, so find his location" I hissed at her while leaving the zoo

"Come on Kol wake up!" I say while slapping him in the face, I managed to get Kol in a compelled car once I back tracked after I couldn't find Caroline

Oh man is Klaus really gonna kill us, so Silas can look like anyone he wants... Well this news is handy

Kol starts stirring next to me he groans "my neck hurts" "ya well we got bigger problems" I muttered to him while driving around trying to spot any signs of them

"Caroline!" Kol says looking in the back seat "he has her" I say then feel a sharp pain

 he reached in to my chest and grabs hold of my heart "how do I know your not him?"

I'm swerving on the streets now "if I were him why would I be here when I already got What I want?" "I don't know you tell me Silas"

Kols phone started to ring, I lost my phone but I was panicking to much to check Kol for his "Nik I was just about to call..." "I'll deal with you and Stefan later but right now we need to find them" "I have Silas right here"

"you don't have Silas I spoke to him awhile ago he has Caroline, he said Katherine had the two of you idiots" he hissed "so your telling me my hands wrapped around our Stefan's heart?" "Kol! If you kill him I will.." "I know I know I'm removing my hand"

I felt relief after his hand left my body "thanks" I muttered "where are you two at?" "Driving around trying to spot them" I answered "he's not stupid he's not gonna stay out in the open with her!" Klaus hissed at us

  staying out in the open really isn't the smartest move here but she's enjoying herself, as am I

It's nice to be some what normal, having Kat around is fun but she's a faker, she's around me cause she fears me, which is wise of her to be

But this blonde.. Caroline seems fun and up beat giving the circumstance that an all powerful immortal is looking to kill her

"Oooo Stefan look they have a sunflower patch festival thing!" I seen the upcoming sigh and she was right "you like sunflowers?" She rolled her eyes at me "you know there my favorite flowers, now let's go check it out"

Now I know there your favorite flower, we parked and entered the place, it was a wide open place with rows of sunflowers, it was like a maze, they had different things of sunflowers from seeds to treats and even drinks, I scrunched up my nose at that and she laughed

"Come on and try it, we only have one life" she winked at me and I returned it with a smile and took a sip, it wasn't that bad

After seeing all the lil booths we found ourselves in front of the maze and an person spoke "it's time to play find the golden sunflowers!" The crowd cheered

"Now before you all head in the maze remember safety and not to be worried if you get lost, there be employees thru out the maze to help u find your way, well begin in a bit"

"Whats the golden flowers?" Caroline asked me and I shrugged my shoulders "beats me" "it's a sunflowers made of gold!" We looked down to see a little girl

"They hide it in the maze and the person to finds it gets a prize! They have different gold sun flowers but the person who finds the big one gets the best price"

"Lydia!?" "Coming mom!" She ran to where the voice was calling her "we are so gonna get that big one" "we?" I looked at her "Yes we"  she said

I've lost Caroline in the maze but it's fine I can still hear her, she's a few rolls over, but once I hear her heart beat panic I know something was wrong

I was rushing to find her, concerned something wrong if I can hear her running now, she turned the corner running in to me fear written across her face

Before I could ask wats wrong she cover my mouth with her hand and whispered "Katherine is here" then she pulled me along the opposite way she came

I wasn't worries that she was here but then again why wasn't she dealing with the others

I stopped in my track about to go and tell her where are the others when Caroline grabbed me "come on Stefan we gonna go" "how do you know that not Elena?" She looked at me odd "because we know Silas has her" she must of connected the dots cause she took off running from me

"Come on we were having fun!" I yelled at her then began to Chase her

  is this something out of a horror movie? Running thru a freaked maze, why did it have to be sunflowers, focus Caroline there's a evil immortal trying to kill u

I ran as fast at I can thru the maze, why did I leave my purse in the car! Where was the real Stefan and Kol? I've should of guessed that Klaus wouldn't call Kol away to go with them

I'm so stupid "Caroline where are you?" I heard Silas say from somewhere behind me, I ran faster, I gotta get to a phone I gotta get to Klaus

I screamed when Katherine pop out in front of me "not so fast Blondie" then I remembered nothing as I blacked out

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