Are we having a moment?

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"Are you having a good time?" "Yes a very good time" for the record I wasn't having a very good time, I wanted nothing more then to get away from this girl and go find Caroline, but here I am far away from the party letting this girl grind all over me, her hands were everywhere on me and she wasn't even doing it right,

I wonder if she would know just what to do, all of a sudden I thought of if it was her hands all up on me, rubbing down on my body.."do you like it Klaus?" I nodded my head imaging that was her voice asking me it, her lips that are kissing there way up to mine but then after a while of touching mine

I realized that there were not hers so I push her off "did I do something wrong" "yes but more or less I did now if you excuses me I need to go find someone"

I wonder what him and miss throws herself is doing, wait why do I care he can do as he please besides "ok we're here" I was so busy thinking about him I didn't even pay any attention to where we were going I looked behind me and I seen the bonfire in the distance,

well at least we didn't go to far, I turned around and seen a lifeguard post, I looked at him with a questioning face and he laughed "come on I wanna show you the view" I hesitate at first "are we even allowed on them?" "No one's here to tell on us, you afraid of braking the law?" I was about to tell him my mother is a sheriff but thought better of it "No now help me up" once we got up there I seen there was a blanket next to an ice chess I looked at him and said

"you all ready planned on bringing me here?" He smiled and put his head down "that's why I was hoping you would come after I asked you" I nodded at that, it felt weird for bim to assume I'd show up let alone come here with him "hey relax a bit" he lays the blanket down then gives me a drink "thanks"

"look there's Nik and Kol" I turn to see where she's looking and I see them fighting so we quickly made our way other to them, "I thought you were looking for Caroline Kol!" He hissed at him "I was Nik! More then I could say about you, how was ur quickly?"

"Calm down" I say after pulling them apart "who did you sleep with Nik!" "No one Rebekah" "oh so now she's a nobody after you fu.." Kol was once again being strangled "enough, now we must find Caroline, ask around if anyone seen her or Orlando" they nodded and left

I started to relax a bit more after a couple of drinks and I think he noticed because he put his hand on my back and was smiling at me then lean in to kiss me on my cheek, I was a lil surprised by his actions but blushed at the kiss, I didn't want him like but that someone else was with someone else getting it on,

so I turned back to him and kissed him fully on the lips, but things got a lil out of control next thing I knew he was on top of me and was kissing me a lil to hard then he started to trail his kisses down my next and I started to panic a bit "Stop" "hmm"

he continued to kiss his way down when I tried to push him off of my he grabbed my hands and put them over my head but before I could tell him something he was kissing me again and one of his hands started to trail down my body, he mistook my struggling as wanting more so I did the only thing I could do I bite his lip "ahhh what the fuck!"

He said backing up and standing up, while I scooted away and stood up to "I told you to stop!" He just scoffed and took a step closer "stay away from me" he rushed towards me and shoved me up against the lifeguard wall "what is weak girl like you gonna do to stop me" " mom's the sheriff in Mystic Falls" I shuttered nd he just smirked "where not in Mystic Falls"

I felt panic coming over me because I knew what was about to happen next, I completely froze up and forget how to fight back "now that's no way to treat a lady, mate" we turned to see Kol and I let out a sigh of relief but Orlando just laughed "dude your like half my size, you don't stand a chance" I seen Kol laughing then jump up on the lifeguard post like nothing, which caused him to step back from me

"what? What the.." "oh that's not even the beginning" he's face changed into his vampire one and then Orlando was stumbling back and landed on the floor in shock "what are you?" "And I promise Nik that I wouldn't kill, such a shame" I seen Kol move towards him and step in front "no Kol"

he stopped and looked at me shocked "Caroline he was about you know and you want me to spear him? You are out of your lil human freaken mind!" "Please Kol" "give me one good reason why and maybe I'll listen to you" I didn't have a good reason to help him.."I ..I .." "exactly now step aside" he walked past me "I kissed him back!" He turned around to look at me

"Kol please don't kill him" "did at any point did you tell him to stop?" I looked down because he was right "then he's dead" "compel him! Compel him to never do that to any girl at all, please Kol don't kill him, it's not his fault fully" he just looked at me hard for a long time then changed his face back to normal then turned to Orlando "you are lucky I decided to listen to her..your also lucky it was me and not one of my other siblings...nonetheless let's get down to it"

after Kol punched him a couple of times then compel him to never force himself on anyone every again and added a few things that guys could do to him and he will let them, we sat down and stayed silent for a while, which I really appreciate but after a while Kol spoke up "are you alright Caroline..I mean really alright?"

I turn to look at him and I couldn't help tears that were forming so I started to sob a bit "hey it's ok, well I mean it's not ok but I got here just in time" I nodded at him "thank you Kol is you hadn't have came I..I don't even wanna think What was gonna happen" he gave me a shy smile, I put my hand on his shoulder after wiping my dry tears with my other one

"you know your not so bad, I don't know why you're siblings always get on your case" he laughed a bit then said "if you know my history I'm no so sure you would of said what you said" we looked at each other for a while and it was a nice quiet silence that is until Kol opened his mouth

"are we having a moment? Is this the part where you kiss me?" "And it's gone" I said while taking my hand off his shoulder, while listening to him laugh "well we better be getting back to the others" he stood up then jumped down then looked back up to me "jump darling I'll catch you" "are you crazy Kol! I'm not jumping into he arms, I'm climbing down the ladder and I better not catch you looking at my ass" "geez this is the thanks I get for saving your life?"

I looked at him with my hands on my hips and an eyebrow raised "ok ok I'm turning around" he said while holding up his hands, I climbed down and we made our way towards the bonfire, Kol wasn't so bad at all I say while smiling walking beside him

The Original and A Humanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें