Are You Afraid Of Me?

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  Thud I'll let Elijah deal with this body once he gets back, I look down on the vampire who tried to set my house on fire, to think if he and his siblings would of chased down the others Caroline would of been dead for sure, glass shattering my head snaps up to the sound

"Caroline" I whisper then rush off into my room, what if I missed one.. what if I'm too late? I swung open the door hard it slammed again the wall, I see the bed is empty but then I hear here "God dame it Klaus you scared Me!" I turn to look at her, her hand is at her cheast and her heart is beating fast, I looked her up nd down and seen no visible wounds, just some broken glass behind her in the bathroom,

then I opened my mouth to say something but it got caught in my throat because of what she was wearing, she was wearing the long button up shirt that I warn on our date, I wanted nothing more but to take her back to my bed and wait...that's Elijah's shirt I let out a lil growl

now thinking she was with Elijah but she spoke up and said "I'm sorry bout the glass and I..Ill clean it up, I just didn't feel clean in my own clothes I hope u don't mind me using your shower, also this was the only thing in the restroom" "I'm not mad about the glass of any of it, I'm glad that your alright" I took a step closer and she stiffened, I stopped moving "are...Are you afraid of me?" She looked at me wide eyed but didn't say anything "I promised you that I would never hurt you and I'm keeping that promise, there's no need to..."

"I'm not afraid of you, I'm just.. This is a lot to take in all at once..about you, and you family?" I gave her a small smile "do you wanna ask me questions love?" "If you don't mind answering them" I held my hand out and said "shall we then?" She started to walk closer and then said "do you think I can borrow some of Rebekah's clothes?" I held my disappointed but said "yes I'll take you to her room, in sure she wont mind" as we walked she asked me questions about the house and I answered them,

then we got to her room "here we are, closets on the right" "thank you" a few moments later she returned dressed in a tank top that hugged her perfectly along with some short shorts, normally I would bash Rebekah for wearing such clothes but now I'm thanking her "I seen she went shopping, I took the things that had tags on them still but I'll pay her back when.."

"nonsense my sister will understand" she had a smile on her face but then got big eyed and said "omg your sister she's probably worried bout me" "she knows you here" "she does?, well where is she at?" I paused for a minute "do you remember what happened at the ally" her eyes got wide with fear, heart started beating faster "they didn't get her did they?" I smile saying "no, quite the opposite, her and Elijah are out hunting the ones who tried to harm you" "no I  don't want them to get hurt" "Caroline trust me there not gonna get hurt" "how do you.." growl Caroline started to blush like crazy "sorry I guess I'm hungry" "no problem, let's go to the kitchen so I can make you something" she nodded then headed down stairs with me

  "You picked the wrong human to kill" I told him while I had my hand wrapped around his heart "we didn't know the girl was with your family" he chocked out, I smiled down on him "well now you know" then I pulled my hand out with his heart in it "Rebekah the one I killed said he was with his group was the ones killing in a few towns over" that's interesting "that made a mistake trying to do it here Elijah" "yes I see" he said  "but we should revisit the town's to make sure we got them all shouldn't we?" Elijah stayed quite for a while "we're only going a few towns over then we must return to the house to check up on Miss... I mean Caroline" "ok" and then we started running

  she asked me every question she could think of from the sunlight to the sleeping in a coffin part where I just gave her a look and patted  my bed that we were laying in and she said 'what it could be for show!' Then we started to laugh, I laughed even more when she compared me to this Edward Cullen fella but then it was a Jacob Black once I told her I'm part wolf, I didn't answer one question honestly, the to why she asked are we here or why we came back after all these years , I simply told her we missed it here, we talked for a few hours on end until she feel asleep before midnight, I pulled the covers up to her and she sighed in approval, something was stirring inside of me and I didn't know what it was, but I know once she found out the real reason for us being here she's gonna end up hating me...

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