Bad Guy's

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I recognized the two that broke down the door, but were under Silas compulsion and orders, we have to harm them if they try to take Caroline or if they even touch her

I looked to Dean and Killian who's a little bit in front of us, They look at each other then nod their head facing back towards them bracing themselves for anything so I do the same next to Caroline

Kol and Stefan walk in the room with the witch's body, I could still hear the heart beat so they must of just knocked her out, they leave her by the door, both looking around the room observing the scene in front of them

Then both of their eyes landing on the person behind me "Guy's" she says with a trembling voice, they smiled at her but then eyed us before looking towards Kat

"so we gonna do this the easy way or the hard way? Please say the hard way" Kol said with a sadistic smile, Kat eyed them both for a second before saying "just the two of you?"

"Should we have told the others?" Kol said looking side ways at Stefan who just Shook his head before saying "Kol shut up" Kat relaxed a bit before saying "you should have"

"Relax Stefan it's just Katherina and the vampire, easy kill" he says "you missed counted, you forgot the 3 hybrid mutts" Kat said cheerfully

I tensed up and seen that Dean along with Killian did to, we still have to follow Kat's orders as long as she's here, also if they don't affect Caroline safety we must obey her

They eyed us from the door "Their Klaus hybrids they don't follow you" Stefan said looking back and fourth

"Silas compled then some how but please don't kill them" Caroline said standing besides me now

"Okay, maybe we should have told the others" Kol said looking around the room to which Stefan glared at him

"Oh mutts, be good lil doggies and kill them" Kat said

Dean growled at her but none the less charged to them swinging a fist at Kol, Killian joining him a second later going for Stefan

Dean growled at her but none the less charged to them swinging a fist at Kol, Killian joining him a second later going for Stefan

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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