Secrets come out

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He froze as soon as the words left my mouth, now he's just looking down at me in a confused manner "what?" I give a lil laugh still blushing "I'm still a virgin" "how are you still a virgin, I mean sure you had many men willing to be in your bed" I scrunch my brows together, I pushed him off of me "What?" "I mean come on love, look at you and I mean you kiss like.." I cut him off

"ok first of all I'm no whore, second I do not have guys nor have I ever had guys in my bed like that before, and thirdly I made out with a few boys back in middle school and that's due to so in the bottle, it's how I figured out how to kiss because guys look past me ok" I was shouting at at him a lil, he just sat there for a moment then said

"I didn't mean it like that love, I ment it as look at you, you stunning a true beauty any guy would be lucky enough to kiss you, men should be worshipping you, and I ment you had relationships because you are an amazing kisser, I'm not exactly thinking straight especially after that outstanding makeout session" he sounded so sincere,

" you really mean that?" "Of course love, and any guy who looks past you is a dame fool" I smile at that "thank you" "for what love? Telling you the truth?" I was gonna answer him but my bracelet started to glow real quick "Klaus do you see that?" I looked at him with wide eyes

"See what love?" He looked at me confused "my bracelet was just glowing for a second, I held it up to show him it and he just looked at it then bolted up, "I think it's best if we not stay here love, let's go to your house"

I looked at him confused "why is it not safe here?" "Vampires can come in my home when ever they want to but not at yours" "why is that?" He turned around and smiled "because we have to be invited in" "oh" "yes now come along, if you seen your bracelet light up it can't be good news, and no one well think to look for us at your house"

We get dress in regular clothes and head down stairs, Klaus stops all of a sudden then looks around the room, then he grabs me and speeds to the door then opens it to run out but I fall hard to the floor then I looked back at Klaus who's stuck inside "Klaus?" He tries to step thru the door but he can't

"Bloody witch's" he roars "Caroline come back in side" he tells me in a panic, I get up quickly as I can "oh come on Klaus let the girl stay, she'll miss all the fun if she goes"

I got chills on my whole body for some reason I turned around to see the guy from the beach, I think he's one of the Travelers, I hear Klaus growl "what do you want?" He wasn't happy at all

I got up from the ground but stayed in place never taking my eyes off of him "how rude of me my name is Markos, Leader of the Tralvelers" I knew he was one of them

"You didn't answer my question" Klaus growled at him once more, Markos just gave a lil laugh "my Master was right, you are very rude"

master? That's odd "I thought as a leader you answer to no one?" I asked him out of curiosity he looked at me and smiled "well you see my dear my Master is still sleeping, but he will awake once we have all that we need"

"What do you need?" My voice was shakey a bit, he smiled again then answer "well first we need to find the doppelganger, since rumor has it that thee Klaus Mikealson is searching for her as well we figured he found her if he's showing himself willing around this town"

"No I don't now get off my property and take your other bloody witch's that are around my house chanting that stupid spell to keep me in here"

He looked away from Klaus and backed to me with curious eyes "the spell was intended to keep everyone inside, how was it that you got out?"

"I don't know" he eyed me up and down which caused another growl from Klaus, which only made him smile, he took a step forward

"What is your name?" I blinked a couple of times but then found my courage "oh I'm sorry my name is NONE OF YOUR GOD DAME BUSINESS!"

he gave a lil laugh "oh I like you" I took a step back when he took a step forward, he stopped and help both hands up "I'm not gonna hurt you, I just need to get some info from him"

"For the last time I..." "I know what you said but we might have caught your little spy and got some Intel from him, no need to worry about tracking him down to kill him we took care of that for you, your welcome" they looked at each other, staring down one another until Markos broke eye contact with him to looked back at me

"How about you and me take a lil walk, until he tells my friends where is she exactly at" he said holding out his hand,  she? Who the hell is she? "no" his smile drop "I won't ask nicely next time"

"Touch her and I will kill every single one of you" Klaus growled he was pressing on the invisible door, he ignored him and continued talking to me

"I'll make my walk worth your time" "how by trying to kill me? Been there done that and it's not fun" "I bet he didn't tell you the real reason he's  back in Mystic Falls, I mean if you knew would you really be spending all this time with them?"

"You best hold your tongue Markos" Klaus hissed at him, I looked back at him feeling confused and hurt, he looked at me "Caroline love don't listen to him" I could tell he was hiding something by the look I'm his eyes

I ignored him and turned back to Markos

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