"Dinner Date" part 3

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One of the neighboring towns they actually have an Italian restaurant we pull up and get out I hand the valet the keys while putting my hand on her lower back, escorting her to the front but she stops "can't we go somewhere else"

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow "why you don't like Italian?" "It's not that it's just.." "what's is it?" She took her hand and waves it up in down in front of her "we arnt exactly dress for a nice place like this" I started chucking at her and she scolds me "it's not funny" "I know it's not"

"then stop laughing" "Caroline nobody's gonna notice you not wearing the right clothes" "it's a restaurant I'm pretty sure people will see" I started chucking again and she scolds "I got something for you I wanted to save it till later but.." I pulled out the bracelet and showed her it,

her hand flew up to her chest as she gasp "Klaus it's beautiful" she whispered "let me put it on you" she nodded while holding out her wrist as I clap it on her, she begins to admirer it with a smile "thank you" she says looking up at me "your welcome love, now come on I know you hungry after our long day" I tell her and she nods

I can't believe he bought me this, it's so beautiful! it's my favorite flower it was very thoughtful of him, we go inside and the place is beautiful "welcome I'm guessing your Klaus party of two?" Said the worker girl "yes I am" "if you're follow me I can't sit you down"

we follow the girl, I figured out why Klaus said nobody would notice were not dressed for the occasion, it's because where the only customers here, when we reached the table Klaus held out my chair "thank you" he nods and the girl hands us menus "I'll be back in a few minutes" she smiles then leaves

"why are we the only ones here?" "Oh I rented the place out for tonight" he said while still looking over the menu "you wat!?" He looks over his menu "I rented it out so I can get to know you better, its always packed here, so I figured we have a nice dinner alone hope you don't mine"

"of course not" I say still shocked, the waiter comes back and takes our orders, we talk some more about the events that went on today but both of us going around the almost kiss we had, about more then hallways thru the meal we bring up funny situations we been in and Klaus says "Imagine if we never have moved to this town, you would of been bored" a small smile plays on my lips "hey my life was fine without you guys"

He raises an eyebrow and playfully said "yes cause spending so much time with Tyler and the bus boy is.. " "hey those are my friends, be nice" I say playfully which makes him just smirk "I'm just saying love, neither of these boys worth your time, including the Oliver bloke" he finished by taking a sip of his drink

I raised my eyebrow with him "I told you Matt is one of my best friends, along with the other two and I won't get with Matt because he was with my best friend Elena, Oliver is my long time friends brother and I honestly don't know about Tyler, I mean I would be happy if I ended up with him" I could this was gonna get bad

"You can't be serious" he said while shaking his head slightly "I mean he did offer you up in a game of pool, imagine if you were to end up with him" he scoffs "Tyler has a bit of a ego but he's still a great guy" I say coming to his defense "if he is such a great guy why weren't you two already together?" I scoffed this time "I was to busy doing other things to even think about getting into a relationship, Im in a lot of School academics plus town stuff now"

"That boy can't give what you're looking for" "Tyler is a good guy I'm pretty sure he can give me a good life" "he's not even a man he's just a boy" "hey that's my friend your talking about and I don't like how your talking about him" "you Caroline will not be satisfied with that kind of life"

"oh Ya then what kind of life would I be then?" "You want adventure, excitement, to see all parts of the world, a small town like mystic falls isn't good enough for you" he was kinda right I wanted to see the world "Caroline love have you ever been to Rome? Pairs? Tokyo?" I shook my head, anger rising in me

"I'm not some clarity case I don't want nor need your money" I stand up from my seat "you know I thought you were different but no your just like all the other guys, at least with Tyler, he knows when he's being a real dick," "Mark my words a small town boy, small town life it will never be good enough for you" I turn around to leave "where are you going?"

"I need some air" I got out side and I was still pissed off I couldn't believe it he said that he was so sweet and kind but he's just a full on dick, ugh imagine the car ride home now,

just then a worker turn the corner he was on his cell phone "Ya just got off can you come pick me up? Ok see you in a few" then he hung up, I got an idea "excuse me"

She's been gone for more then 20 mins how much air does she need? But then again Rebekah can get in more of a mood when I interrupt her 'air time' but I don't see why she got mad in the first place I only spoke the truth bout that boy,

I was pulled from pleading my case with myself by a worker "Ya the women you were with wanted me to give you this" he handed me the bracelet over, I tried to keep calm " she said not to worry Tyler's giving her a ride home"

there goes my calm I pick him up by his neck, he's shaking "dude I'm sorry it didn't work out but please I was just a messenger" I growl at him 'don't kill the messenger it's not his fault you blew things' that dame witch and her seeing the future,

I comple the boy to forget what just happened, paid the bill then headed to the car, once I get home im killing the first person I see

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