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KATHERINE'S POV    He slammed the door shut as he left, finally

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   He slammed the door shut as he left, finally... I gleared down at the blonde resting on the couch, Silas was not happy with how I caught her

Sure I didn't have to knock her out the way I did but she always been a pain in my side, I been looking for way to get back at her ever since they saved her from me

She was supposed to be Klaus sacrifice as a vampire but Elijah foiled my plans, now I understand why she means a great deal to Klaus

I smiled wickedly at the idea of whats going thru Klaus's mind right now, probably killing poor Stefan right now and shoving his brother back in the coffin

She began to stir on the couch, Silas left for a while to see if he can find anything about the escaped doppelganger, so it's just me and her...oh this is gonna be fun

 "great so they got a blocking spell on them to" I say pinching the bridge of my nose "yes & I can't track her unless you & Katherine get back here, I'll need some of her blood to do the spell I used on you"

I let out a sigh "well be there in a few days" I hung up & continued to walk to the store, right now I look like a random person going to the store

I figured I need to cool off after what Kat did, she didn't need to use excessive force on Caroline, she lucky that she fine or I would of.. would I have done something?

Any how I figured she'll wake up freaked out, so I thought why not get her some ice cream, she seemed to enjoy it back at the dinner, as Im waiting in line I start to think

Now I gotta get Caroline out of here and make sure Klaus doesn't fine her, on top of that I need to track down the doppelganger once we find her location

    I sat up and reached for my head, my head was spinning I monetarily forgot what happened then Katherina flashed in my head

"Good your awake" I snapped my head in her direction, she was looking at me with interest

I was scared, who wouldn't scared being kidnapped by people who wanna kill you

"I see that your scared...you should be" in a flash she thru me to the floor, I let out a scream when she thru me again against the wall next

"Scream again and I'll make sure you don't make a sound for the remainder of your life" I glared at her from my spot on the floor holding back my words out of fear of what she'll do

She looked at me with curiosity then tilled her head at me "I wonder" in a flash she had me up against the wall by the throat

She looked me in the eye "what do you mean to Klaus?" She compelled me, Shit my bracelet

He loves me" I started to panic, I never needed vervain with the originals and I had my bracelet that blocks compulsion but I forgot I took it off  at the zoo and never put it back on

She smiled big at me "so your not on Vervain? What a stupid human, your surrounded by vampires and you don't think to take it?"

"My friend's would never do that to me, along with Nik's family, but wait weren't you the stupid human who was compelled by him and loved him?"

She looked at me shocked at what I said "ya he told me all about human Katherina" by the look in her eyes I know I had done it now

She tighten her hold on my throat then hissed "You lil bitch, I'm gonna compel you to.." she was thrown off of me by Stefan

"What the hell are you doing Kat!?" No it was Silas who saved me, I sat on the floor with by back against the wall holding my throat

"The lil bimbo didn't know when to shut up" Katherine hissed "I said not to harm her" he yelled back at her "why does it matter she's gonna die anyways"

In a flash he had her by the throat "let's make something clear, I am in charge and when I say do something you follow my orders or I'll hit put you back in your grave"

He released her and she stumbled back gearing at him, he turned around to face me but then turned to look at Katherine

He flashed in front of her and grabbed her face "you are not allowed to compel her at all is that understood" he released her "I understand" she turned to leave but he spoke to her one more time

"Do I need to compel you not to harm her or you gonna be a good doppelganger?" she looked away from him to glare at me then left the room

He then came to me and I flinched away from him, he looked hurt "I'm not gonna hurt you, I just wanna see the damage she's done"

"Like you care, my time here is short so why even bother" I spat at him, he was taken back by my words but he backed off

He walked to the window, his back towards me "your friend..enemy ? I don't know what she is to you anymore but the doppelganger escaped so your time is extended a bit"

I snorted "geez thanks for telling me I feel so much better knowing I get to live for a few more hours" I was really relieved but there was no way I was telling him that

He turned to look at me and smiled a bit "you got a mouth on you..I see why Klaus likes you" I glared at him

He laughed a bit at my glare but then went to pick up a bag and put it near me "I got you a few things, I wasn't sure if you would be thirsty or..."

"Why would you care if I was thirsty? your trying to kill me" I yelled at him, his face showed no expression or emotion, but he said "don't try and leave or we will stop you" then he walked out the room

I stayed there on the floor, thinking of this mess that I'm in now, I've been taking by a ancient vampire, I felt my eyes beginning to water, Nik please come soon for me I said in my head as the tears fell from my eyes

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