"The Awakening" part 2

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   The car ride home is quite... No one has spoken a word since we been in the car, I look back down to Caroline, who's head is resting in my lap, she still hasn't woken up since we found her on the floor in that cave, I looked back out the window thinking of everything

Elena and Bonnie were also found on the floor out cold, we seen a witch, a man and shockingly Jeremy Gilbert all dead on the floor, we also found an empty table and a broken Crystal looking tube, it seems Silas is awake and out of the cave

When we picked up the girls from the floor, we ran back to the ship, we were shocked to see the ship was gone,

it seemed like Tyler and Hayley wanted a head start, no matter I'll find them soon

luckily a newbie pilot landed in the water with his plane just to look at map, there was enough room for us now that there were less of us, we compiled him to take us to where we left our cars, Kol took joy in snapping Damon's neck the whole ride back 

sadly it wasn't a long ride back

Stefan said he'll take Damon and Elena back to his house then meet back up with us, he loaded Elena in the backseat then carelessly tossed his brother in the front with him

 Kol still rode with Matt, he wanted to keep an eye on Bonnie and Stefan left after he nodded at me, he knew I wouldn't let anything happen to Caroline

I looked back down to her, she looked so peaceful, Rebekah has cleaned her up a bit while we were on the plane,

she washed her and Bonnie up and put new clothes on them, she would of done Elena but she hated her

I text Kol a while ago and told him once we get back to mystic falls, I'm gone,

I'm packing up my things from the house and I'm leaving with Caroline immediately,

He told me he'll find me once he makes sure Bonnie is ok, I smile small, it looks like my brother as a lil crush on someone

"I'm leaving town with Caroline once we get back home, I don't expect you two to follow me but I'm sure Caroline would like another girl around and if remember she liked your company to Elijah"

Rebekah stayed quit at first then spoke "What about her mother? Shouldn't we take her to her mother for her to say goodbye then"

I growled at bit "Niklaus, Rebekah has a point, let them say there goodbyes at least"

"Fine then, well leave in 2 days, that should be enough time for her" and the car ride was quite once more, after of couples of minutes I realize I was being selfish,

Caroline only had her mother left, she hasn't seen her dad in years, she said he sends her cards in her birthday nd a few letters thru out the year but that doesn't count to me

She should be able to say her goodbyes to her mother, would she even wanna leave with me? I know she wanted to give us a try but would she leave mystic falls with me? We could stay for a while then if she wishes

"If she wants to stay in mystic falls for a while, will you guys still stay?" I asked my siblings "of course Nik" Rebekah said with a smile "family sticks together" Elijah said

A small smile graced across my face, I then felt my phone vibrant I looked at it to see Kol calling me

"What?" "Nik change of plan's, Bonnie woke up and she wants us all to meet at Caroline's house"

"Why at Caroline's?" I heard Bonnie talk "Tell him to just go there, I'll explain when we're all there" "Bonnie said.." "I heard her Kol, does Stefan know?" "Yes Bonnie has gotten off on the phone with them before you picked up" 

them? seems like Damon woke up "Ok Kol see you in a bit" I hung up on the call "What do you think Bonnie wants to tell us?" Rebekah asked "I don't know but let's be on our guard" Elijah said taking a different route now

"if they try anything or if they take her away..I will not haven't it, if anyone of them wanted to try and take her from me they can try" I said with a growl feeling my eyes shine gold "I agree with you Niklaus" I was slightly shocked that Elijah was on my side about such violence

"They can't be that stupid to go against 3 originals and a hybrid in heat" I growled at Rebekah comment while Elijah let out a lil chuckle

We arrived second at Caroline's house, the brother's were there already, Stefan leaning on the car while the door was open and Damon was sitting in the backseat with Elena, looks like she woke up to, so why hasn't Caroline?

We parked and got out, I myself staying by the car, Stefan walked over and looked at Caroline, a frown on his face "she still hasn't gotten up?" I shook my head "What did she say went down in there?" I asked curious

He shook his head "she just got up a few seconds before you guys showed up" I was gonna ask more questions but Caroline mother showed up

The sheriff got out of the car fast fearing the worst "Is she...wheres Caroline?" She said trying to keep her voice calm "she over here, she's resting still" I spoke to her softly

She ran over to the car and looked at her "oh Caroline" she gently rubbed a hand over her hair then turned to look at me  "thank you"

I was stunned to say the least, I just nodded at her and she went back to looking at her daughter

Matt's truck showed up and a very pissed off Bonnie hopped out shoving Kol out of her way

"How could you!!!" She yelled heading for Damon's car "Bonnie calm down" Matt said 

"What the hell are you going on about?" Damon said getting out of the car to stop Bonnie from advancing, he fell to the floor screaming when Bonnie raised her hand

I looked at my siblings and turned to look at the sheriff "stay with Caroline" she nodded while me and Elijah went closer to the others

Rebekah stayed next to the car just in case

we joined Kol "whats going on?" "Bonnie has yet to explain it" he said with a shake of his head

I looked at Elijah who looked at the scene in front of us, Bonnie finally let Damon get up and Elena has gotten out of the car and they both started to talk

"Bonnie I'm so sorry.." "no you shouldn't be apologizing to me, no you shouldn't have done that at all!" "Bonnie what else was I supposed to do!! You heard her what happens if I take it myself!" Elena screamed

"We don't know how's it going to effect her! didn't You think about that! All you did was add to the list of lives he will take!" Bonnie shouted back

"ENOUGH! now explain to the rest of us what is going on" I yelled looking between the two of them, Bonnie just glared at Elena while she looked back at Bonnie with pleading eyes

"Elena thought she saved her own skin by shoving the cure down Caroline's throat but now Silas will come for her as well" it took me a second to process what she said then I went to kill the doppelganger

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