It's To Keep Her Safe, She's Just A Human

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    I knew it was wrong to keep Caroline in the dark about where were all really going but Bonnie and I agreed it's best if she didn't know everything, Stefan said we should tell her just to make her aware of her surroundings while we're away but since she's our bestfriend he agreed to my wishes of keeping her in the dark,

Caroline should be able to enjoy her human like with out looking over her shoulder like me and Bonnie does now, my whole life turned upside once I meet Stefan, he told me everything of the supernatural world and he told me about my other doppelgangers,

I didn't believe him at first but then he showed me a picture of his creator Katherine Pierce and after I got over the shock of it all he told me how I will be tracked down and killed all for a vampires sacrifice, Stefan said during his travels he hear stories of the Original vampires and there never ending quest into finding a doppelganger,

he knew what a doppelganger looked like because he was turned by one before she was killed by the Original himself,

she told Stefan about the Original family but never mentioned there names to him at all, apparently he need her human but someone had turned her in to a vampire and she run for years from him but he adventully found her nd killed her,

so me Bonnie and Stefan are going to see a witch who knows of the Original vampires themselves and see if they can help me out, I look in the mirror, I see that Bonnies passed out, I look at Stefan who's lost in thought while driving, well I guess I'll take a lil nap before we get there

     I seen Elena look at me but I didn't feel like talking, I still think they should of told Caroline everything I told them but Elena and Bonnie are her friends longer them me so I respected her wishes even though I'm against it, I mean what if something happens to her while where gone?

More importantly what if my dick of a brother decides to come pay me a visit and he finds her alone, Damon's reputation for human life is as bad as mine when I'm in Ripper mode,

I shake my head at that thought, Caroline Forbes is a good person she shouldn't die by supernatural creatures, she's one of the good humans not like Elena who's cursed as a doppelganger

or Bonnie who happens to be a Bennett witch, one of the strongest witch's out here in our world, hopefully this witch will be able to help us out so no innocent people get caught up in the crossfire

    The car ride for a couple of days was pointless, the witch that was supposed to help us wasn't even there, her daughter told us her mother was literally a few towns over from where we live,

she was selling goods at a towns center but if going to see this witch will help us then the ride was worth it, can't believe I found out that I was a witch from a freaken vampire,

not just any witch, I was one of the few powerful one's, the Original witch blood line being the most powerful, following the Bennett's, the Harvest Girls being under me and a few others,

when Stefan told me I was a witch I actually laughed in his face then he told me to take him home and then when my mother save him she gave him one of those vampire migraines and after I had a long talk to my mother she told me everything nde

how she only kept it from me to protect me from vampires who want to use us for selfish reasons, then Stefan explained who Elena was to her but she already knew so that's when she told us of a witch who knew the Originals well and that she'll help us out because she owned my grams a favor, just a few days drive and a couple of hours till were able to speak to her and get this sorted out.

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