Another Chance

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I heard him telling at me to stay awake but, I was just so tired "love keep your eyes open please were almost there" "hmmm" my eyelids were really heavy so I shut them for a few seconds, but shot then open when I heard him let out a growl, I felt the rumble from his chest "stay awake Caroline"

Next thing I know I'm being put in a soft spot I look around and realized were in his room " ran all the ways home?" "It's the safest place for you to be, right next to me" I gave him a weak smile, my eyes started to shut again "no no love you need to drink, here" I heard something being ripped

I looked to see him biting his wrist, gasp "Klaus what are you doing?" He sat down and pulled me to him "you need to drink love, I promise you it will heal all your wounds" I shook my head "Caroline you can take it willing or forced either way your drinking it" I glared at him but brought my lips to his wrist

This was really disgusting, but as soon as I tasted him for some odd reason I actually like how he tasted, I sucked and licked his blood for a bit until he spoke again "ok, that should be enough love" I pulled away and licked the last remainder of blood from my lips then I heard him growl again

"I didn't hurt you did I?" "No love you didn't, gets some rest now" as soon as he said that I rested my head down and visited lala land

I watched her sleep for a bit, she could of dead if I haven't had woken up sooner then expected, she would of disappeared where every that Kai person was sent to, and I would of had no clue as to where she went, I touch her bracelet that Monica had given her "I really owe you a thank you"

She stirred in her sleep so I gave her a kiss on the head "shh love your safe with me" she smiled a lil then drifted off to sleep again, I stepped out of my room into the hall way and pulled out my phone

"Hello" "Elijah where are you guys?" "At the motel but" "no need head home now and before you ask Caroline is fine and resting" "Thats good to know, you should also know when we found Monica, she was on her last breath, Kai of the Gemini Coven stopped by to pay her a visit and" "Kai has been dealt with, and before you say anything it wasn't me who dealt with him it was his own coven, they didn't even kill him they sent him some where else I assume" "you do know as a Gemini leader if Kai dies they all do" "well now I know thank you Elijah"

"how's Caroline?" "Lucky to be alive,  she berly escaped with her life" "Before we left Monica wished to speak to you so call her of you can" "ok" "see you soon" click

I dial the number Elijah gave me "Klaus" "yes Monica?" "Is the girl safe?"

"That bracelet you made her what does it do?" "Well if she's wearing it she cannot be compelled by Vampires, even Originals, block's all locator spells and it can break thur certain spells casted by witches such as barriers, along with a few other things " I stayed quite for a moment before talking again "thank you" I whisper to her

"What was that?" "I'm not saying it again witch" "well I'll be dame" "Did you do a blocking spell on my siblings" "I did not" I let out a growl "why not?!" "Kai is a special member of the Gemini Coven, he wasn't born with powers of his own, he takes them from other witches" "what do you mean?" "He just grabs any part of your body and you feel the magic being drained from your body"

I let out a frustrated sigh "I will regain my powers back in time, then I will perform the spell on them" "alright" "Niklaus..let her go" "what?" "Let her go, she doesn't belong.." "you are not to tell me what to do with her do you understand me witch" I said in a hissing tone "how many more times does she have to die for you to let her go?"

I open my mouth to say something but she cut me off "you have many enemies, once they seen you taken an interest in her they will come for her, to hurt you" I stayed quite for a moment "I haven't taken an interest in her, I'm just waiting for my doppelganger" "Niklaus I've seen..." click

She was wrong I don't see her that way, I mean yes she's the most beautiful person I have ever seen but she's still human, I can always change her but I don't have time to deal with a baby vampire, everyone will get a kick out of that!

The almighty Klaus Mikaelson with a human, ha my enemies will have a field day with that, I peeked in the room and she was still sound a sleep, I should step out for a bite to eat

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