"Nothing, just wanna be sure..." He sighed, and started to drive.

I know what he is thinking. I know he is lying. Trying to cover up what he really feels. But I don't understand, why he wants to hide his feelings. 

I don't care if he doesn't like me, I just want to know how he feels. I can take his opinion but I just wanna know everything. Honesty is the best policy, but I have to consider his feelings.  Liking someone and not knowing if they like you back, is tougher than it looks.

While driving home, an awkward silence built in the car. I don't know what I'm gonna say to him or what he's gonna say on the way home. I really need some help now. Maybe I should text on of the guys. And get some advice.

To: Harry "Sexy" Styles

Hey Harry :) And really "Sexy" wow!

From: Harry "Sexy" Styles

Hey Dani! Of course! Who doesn't think I'm sexy :P

To: Harry "Sexy" Styles

Uhm... let me think, oh wait that's me!

From: Harry "Sexy" Styles

Ouch! That's mean! So what's up?

To: Harry "Sexy" Styles

Haha! Well, I got another problem...

From: Harry "Sexy" Styles

Let me guess, another Niall dilemma. Am I correct?

Wow! How does everyone know that I have a problem with Niall? Maybe one clue is that I sometimes contact people about my dilemma, mostly about Niall. But I do need some advice from one of my closest mates right now. And Harry is the only one I got left to talk to.

To: Harry "Sexy" Styles

Uhm... yeah, you guessed it.

From: Harry "Sexy" Styles

Alright, so what do you need to talk to me about?

To: Harry "Sexy" Styles

Well, me and Niall are driving home from McDonald's and.... Can I just tell you later? Cause it's kinda a long story and it's complicated too.

From: Harry "Sexy" Styles

Sure, and I'm gonna go and beat up Niall if he did something bad to you!

To: Harry "Sexy" Styles

Harry... please don't, you can beat him up after the explanation. If there's something wrong.

From: Harry "Sexy" Styles

Fine, just for you, but you have to explain.

To: Harry "Sexy" Styles

Alright! Well see you later Hazza!

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