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Irl perspective

The time has finally come.

The pack were together in Scott's house the oni surrounding them, Liam was terrified.

Theo could smell the fear on him and brought him into his arms flashing his golden eyes at the Oni.

"Calm down Li. They won't hurt you I promise." Kira said, Grabbing the Beta's hand.

"B-But what if I'm the Nogitsune? They'll kill me!" Liam said shivering into Theo's touch.

Theo didn't know how to reassure him, He didn't know anything about the Oni.

"You're not. I promise. They won't hurt you. If you are we'll protect you from them even if you try to kill us okay? I won't let anything hurt you." Scott said, Theo nodding telling Scott to give his beta a hug.

"Liam you're my beta. I won't let them hurt you. Nor will I let them hurt any of my pack. They'll have to take me down before the rest of my pack." Liam smiled a tear flowing out of his eye.

"Do you trust me?" Scott asked, Holding onto Liam.

Liam nodded tears still coming out of his eyes.

"Let them check you first. It'll be over before you know it. But there is a downside," Scott cut off as Liam looked confused.

"You will go into a freezing state where only someone you trust can help you out of it. If you're alone it'll wear off by itself but it's faster if you let someone help you." Liam nodded feeling scared but kinda relieved that he's with a group of people he trusts.

"I'll do it. But you have to promise me one thing." Scott nodded.

"I want you and Theo to help me out of that state. Promise me you'll help me." Scott nodded, Grabbing Liam's hand as Liam held Theo's other one.

They walked to the Oni. the Oni grabbed Liam's face and flashed their emerald eyes searching deep into Liam's soul exploring each and every part of it.

They dropped him to the ground but Scott and Theo caught him.

Liam was shaking and his body was cold to the touch.

"What do we do?" Theo asked.

"We need to get him next to a heater or at least a fire place with blankets. He'll be okay." Scott smiled knowing he was right as he dealt with this before.

After a few minutes of warming Liam up, He came back to his senses and gasped sucking in air, He coughed but quickly recovered.

"W-What happened?" Liam asked, Scott looked behind his left ear noticing the backwards 5.

"Self." Scott whispered.

"I'm me? No evil me?" Theo and Scott both laughed and shook their heads.

"You're you. And that's how it's supposed to be." Theo said pulling his boyfriend into his chest, Smiling at Scott thanking him.

Scott smiled back and nodded.

This may be the start of a blossoming friendship.

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