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Private messages

Theo: Good morning baby boy

Liam: morning prince

Theo: Prince?

Liam: If I'm your princess, then your my prince.

Theo: I love it.

Liam: I love you.

Theo: I love you too.

Liam: Do you want breakfast?

Theo: I'll make breakfast, just relax.

Liam: Are you sure? I don't want you to do everything.

Theo: Liam it's okay, I'll make breakfast, I'm actually a good cook.

Liam: Good because I'm not :)

Theo: You're adorable.

Liam: And You're adorable too Mr. Raeken.

Theo: I'll come over and make breakfast.

Liam: Alright...

Theo: And you're going to sit on the couch and relax while I make breakfast.

Liam: Fine

Theo: I love you

Liam: I love you too

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