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Private messages

Scott: Liam, We're having a meeting tonight.

Scott: Also, are you still asleep??

Scott: Because it's like 12:36 PM and your always up at 8-9 so.

Liam: This is Theo, He's asleep.

Scott: Why? Is he hurt?

Liam: No, He's okay, He's tired.

Scott: Why?

Liam: Be careful date what you ask Scott.

Scott: Let me guess, First time together?

Liam: Yeah

Scott: Is he okay?

Liam: He's fine, Liam actually passed out like 5 minutes after we were done though, Poor baby was tired.

Scott: Thats normal, especially after the first time.

Liam: I know, I'm going to go before Liam wakes up, He'll be hungry so I'm going to make him lunch before he wakes up.

Scott: Okay, Tell him I said hi.

Liam: I will, nice talking to you scott.

Scott: You two.

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