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Irl perspective

"Liam, It's Scott we need to talk." Scott said, Still hitting his fist against Liam's bathroom door.

"I don't wanna talk! I just want to be alone okay?" Liam said, Rubbing his eyes from the sleepiness in it.

"Liam you can't avoid us forever. My mom already told us what happened. Why didn't you tell us Li?" Liam unlocked the door and opened it to see Scott still standing there.

"I don't want to talk. How about you save me the lectures and just leave me alone." Liam suggested about to close the door in Scott's face.

"Liam wait-" Scott stopped Liam from closing the door, Flashing his red alpha eyes at Liam.

"Let me talk to you, We're trying to help you." Scott said, Making his eyes go back to his normal brown ones.

"Fine. But only you and stiles. No offense to everyone else but two people is the maximum." Liam smiled as fake as fake could get.

Scott and stiles looked at each other and followed Liam upstairs.

The only people who came with Scott and stiles was Lydia, Kira, Allison, Isaac, Mason and Corey. Theo was already gone at this point.

Liam reached his room waiting impatiently for Scott and Stiles.

Scott Was leading the way, Stiles behind him, Obviously a bit scared.

"Come in." Liam said, Patting his bed so that they could both sit on his bed.

Stiles and Scott had a plan.

"What did you want Scott?" Liam asked Bitterly, He wasn't acting like himself and everyone knew it.

"We need your help. We're looking for a evil kitsune called the nogitsune." Liam frowned, He's heard stories of this from stiles, It will do anything in its power to create chaos.

"I know what your talking about. How do we find it?" Liam asked, Making Scott look up from his hands into Liam's eyes.

"We need the oni. We need someone who can control the oni." Liam looked at Scott confusedly, Raising a eyebrow in suspicion.

"Liam, We think you should control them."

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