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Liam: My legs hurt :(

Scott: Aww my poor baby!

Kira: Theo you broke him

Mason: Wait-

Corey: They did it-

Allison: If they say he broke him, That means they either had sex, or they had a physical fight.

Mason: The first option probably

Corey: Yeah

Theo: I'm sorry baby

Liam: Don't talk to me right now

Theo: And why not?

Liam: Because your an ass

Theo: you weren't saying that last night

Liam: Well I'm saying it now your an ass

Theo: You say that now but when you want to do it again I'll keep this in mind

Scott: Be careful what you wish for.

Isaac: Wait, Liam and Theo did it last night?

Theo: Yeah basically

Mason: Corey, Liam lost his virginity

Corey: I know


Liam: And your happy about that?

Mason: YES

Corey: Yeah of course we are

Theo: Liam please talk to me

Theo: Liam

Theo: Liam come on

Liam: Do y'all hear something?

Scott: Be nice, He did fuck you after all.

Liam: Fine, What do you want?

Theo: I was just going to ask you a fucking question

Liam: Don't cuss at me

Theo: I'll do whatever the fuck I want

Liam: What were you going to ask?

Theo: Nothing. I've been nice to you all morning long, And then you have to be a ass about everything. I'm done.

Liam: Theo wait

Theo: No, I'm leaving.

Liam: Theo please

Liam: Theo

Liam: Theo please answer me

Liam: Theo Raeken fucking answer me!

Scott: I would go find him as fast as possible before he does something stupid

Malia: Damn

Stiles: First fight and already storming out

Liam: I gotta go

Mason: Liam wait

Liam: I've got to go find Theo

Mason: Be careful.

Liam: I'll be as careful as I can.

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