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Irl perspective:

"So Mason, Why didn't you tell us Theo and Liam we're asleep together?" Malia asked resting her body against the counter.

Mason rolled his eyes and continued to type on his computer.

He was working on a project for school, He was already almost finished with it but he still needed to concentrate and Malia was not helping.

"I didn't see Theo okay? I saw Liam asleep so I left." Malia looked him dead in the eye and half smiled at him.

"Are you sure Mason?" She asked her eyes changing into her coyote ones.

"Why are you guys all up in Liam's business anyway? He can take of himself as we all know." He rolled his eyes again while smiling a bit knowing he's right.

"We want to know what is going on between Theo and Liam. We know it's not just Friendship." Mason ignored her and continued working on his laptop.

He watched Malia walk away finally giving him time to concentrate.

Until Scott walked in.

"Hey Mason, What's up?" He asked casually.

"CANT YOU PEOPLE JUST LET ME WORK ON MY DAMN PROJECT? IM GOING TO COREYS HOUSE BYE" he said before getting his things and leaving.

Scott was mildly confused and went to check up on Liam.

Scott didn't know Theo was there, but he definitely was going to figure it out.

Liam had just woken up but he was shushed back to sleep by Theo.

Liam needed all the rest he could get if he was going to feel better, And Theo knew that he was going to get in trouble for being there but he didn't care. All he cared about was his sick puppy.

Scott gasped when he saw Theo but soon softened as soon as Theo started lowly speaking explaining everything.

"And he was alone so I didn't want him to get hurt or worse. So I came over to take care of him while you guys got some sleep." Scott nodded cracking the door leaving the two of them alone.

Scott didn't really trust Theo, But he was always there for Liam so he knew he could feel himself having more faith in Theo.

If Theo continues to prove himself to Scott, Then they might can actually get along with each other.

Stiles still had trust issues, But he was finally getting back to him old self.

Scott knew stiles was going through depression and anxiety and Theo just set his anxiety off ever since he did what he to Scott.

Malia never trusted Theo.

He was just rude to her threatening her and what not and she wasn't going to put with a asshole. She would kill before she lets anyone see her break.

Lydia didn't necessarily trust Theo, but she didn't feel like he was trying to kill everyone.

Kira didn't feel that way either, She just feels like Theo changed and she can now some-what trust him.

Allison didn't really know him but she was the same as Lydia.

Isaac has trust issues anyway, When he first met Theo he didn't know what to think of him, He was just... There.

Liam trusted Theo.

For sure now.

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