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Private Chat

Liam: Scott can we talk?

Scott: Yeah, Whats wrong?

Liam: It's about Theo.

Scott: What about him?

Liam: He got attacked. I don't know but who- or exactly what.

Scott: What do you mean by attacked?

Liam: Scott, Whoever they were, They're claws went deep.

Scott: Is he okay?

Liam: He's sleeping, He was exhausted.

Scott: Did heal? He should have healed after the attack.

Liam: No. he didn't until I took the pain. Then he healed.

Scott: Maybe he didn't heal because he was exhausted and couldn't concentrate?

Liam: They did something to him, I checked his stomach this morning while we was sleeping, But there was only a tiny scar.

Scott: Thats weird, He should have healed all the way.

Liam: Whoever it was wanted to leave Their mark on him. Maybe as a warning?

Scott: We will discuss this with the pack tonight okay? But for now, There's nothing I can do.

Liam: Scott, Do you promise me we will find out who did this?

Scott: I promise. Get some rest Liam.

Liam: I'll try. I've been having the same nightmare over and over again.

Scott: Wait what's your nightmare?

Liam: Scott I cant talk about this right now...

Scott: Liam, You can tell me anything.

Liam: I rather not talk about it.

Scott: Okay, You can tell me when your ready.

Liam: Good night Scott

Scott: Just try to get some sleep. Love you.

Liam: Love you too Scott.

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