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Irl perspective

Pack night.

The night where everyone can get together and just hang out / or talk about the upcoming dangers.

This night there was no danger, Tonight was the night where everyone can let loose.

Liam and Theo sat on the couch hand in hand, Scott and Kira were sitting next to each other practically hugging each other, Lydia and Stiles were both sitting cross legged, Malia and Derek were having a talk about the upcoming pack nights, Mason and Corey were eating each other's faces off, and Allison and Isaac were cooking food for everyone.

And that would leave Liam and Theo looking through each other's phones, Laughing at all the pictures they each took.

"No way, You have to delete that picture!" Liam protested as Theo moved his phone to where Liam couldn't reach.

"No way, You look way to cute!" Theo protested as he saw the embarrassed look on Liam's face.

Their argument caught the eye of Scott, Kira, Stiles, and Lydia.

"What's up with you guys?" Scott asked with a smile on his face.

"Theo won't delete a embarrassing picture of me." Liam pouted and crossed his arm.

Theo quickly got a picture of Liam's cute state and set it as his home screen.

Once Liam saw the picture his cheeks turned red and he looked like he was holding his breath.

"Liam, It's not a big deal. It's not like I'm going to show it to everyone I know in school. It'll just stay between the pack." Theo smirked.

Liam still covered his face and let out a almost scream kind of noise.

Mason and Corey came in and raised a eyebrow at Theo.

Once they saw his home screen they started squealing like piglets.

"Oh my god!!! That's so cute!" Mason said and came over beside Liam.

Theo smiled at the two and got up from beside Liam to go talk to Scott.

Scott and Kira were in the Kitchen along with the rest of the pack, Other then Malia and Derek.

"Scott, Can we talk?" Theo asked quietly.

"Sure, I'll be back guys." He said to Kira, Allison and Isaac who just nodded.

Theo led him to a quiet place in the house, Where they could talk one on one.

"What did you need Theo?" Scott asked curiously, Crossing his arms and raising a eyebrow; a habit of Scott's.

"It's about Liam" Scott's attention was fully on Theo now.

"What's wrong with him?" Scott asked.

Theo lowered his voice to where Liam or anyone else could hear him, Except Scott.

"Liam's been losing control. Once he gets mad or anxious he'll lose control and need someone to bring him back. That's why I have been around Liam so much. I can pull him back before something goes wrong." Scott's expression softened and he giggled slightly.

"What's so funny?" Theo asked.

"Liam could be in heat. He'll be more whiny and way more needy. And you're going to help him with some of his 'problems'" Scott winked after he emphasized problems.

"How do I know if he's actually ready, Not just because of his heat?" Theo asked, He wasn't a expert at heat, Hell, He didn't even know how to handle a beta in heat.

"Just be cautious." Scott said and patted Theo's shoulder as he walked back to the group.

Could Liam really be getting close to his heat?

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