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Malia: What the hell happened yesterday!?

Stiles: All I know is that Theo and Liam are going crazy.

Scott: Guys..

Stiles: There is something wrong with them Scott! You can't deny it.

Derek: Peter told me everything.

Malia: We need to figure it out.

Lydia: Scott, Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Scott: I think so. Maybe Deaton can help.

Malia: YES. You two are geniuses!

Allison: I'm worried about them.

Isaac: It's like what happened to Me, Ethan and Aiden.

Allison: Isaac your a genius!

Isaac: I am?

Allison: What if whatever happened to Isaac, Ethan and Aiden is happening to Liam and Theo? It only effects wolves remember?

Malia: That doesn't make sense. Theo is not a real werewolf or werecoyote

Allison: But he is still supernatural right?

Malia: Kinda yeah

Allison: It still effects the supernatural.

Scott: What would we do without Allison?


Scott: Sorry. What would we do with Allison AND ISAAC.

Isaac: Thank you.

Mason: I've read about this, Didn't it only happen when the nogitsune was around?

Scott: Yeah... But what if we have a new nogitsune on our hands.


Stiles: I feel fine quite honestly. But I have been having nightmares and can't really sleep at night.

Corey: Well if we are dealing with another nogitsune, It wants revenge.

Stiles: It wants Chaos.

Allison: I nearly died because of that thing, Let's stop it and save whoever it possessed.

Corey: So what do we do Scott?

Scott: We find out who it is, And we change them.

Corey: What do you mean change? Like give the person possessed the bite?

Scott: We trapped it before because I distracted it, All we need is that damned box.

Mason: So my best friend or his boyfriend is possessed by a dark kitsune? Great, That's great.

Scott: It actually explains why they have both been having trouble with their anger.

Lydia: Oh my god it's piecing itself together.

Stiles: I hope its not me again... I can't go through with hurting my friends again.

Scott: Stiles, It wasn't you, It was the Nogitsune okay?

Stiles: No it wasn't. It was in my body controlling me therefore it was me.

Scott: You couldn't help it.

Kira: Stiles don't beat yourself up, I saw what had happened to you, You couldn't do anything.

Stiles: Thats exactly what should have motivated me. I'm helpless. I can't fight.

Mason: Stiles you may not be able to fight, But your extremely smart. You know things more then any of us do.

Stiles: Kira's mom has the box.

Kira: Maybe my mom opened the box?

Scott: No. maybe someone stole it from her and opened the box.

Malia: What do we do?

Scott: We help each other as much as possible, Protect the others.

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