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Irl perspective

Scott had just gotten home from Stiles' House, He went over to help him with his homework (only because Stiles wanted to see Scott in person instead of face timing which Scott felt kinda relieved because He needed advice).

Scott liked someone, He just didn't exactly know how to tell them.

He asked Stiles opinion on what to do, But stiles just told him to go for it. Typical Stiles.

Scott was really nervous and Just needed to think it through.

He had decided to get a shower and just think it through, But it only clustered his thoughts more, The shower was relaxing, But it didn't relax his rushing thoughts.

Scott was getting dressed when he got a text from Malia.

Scott immediately blushed and pulled his gray sweatpants up and just walked across the room shirtless, Over to his charging phone.

Malia❤️: what's up?

Scott smiled, Just a simple text, Malia was always a simple texter. Just like Scott was.

Scott😂: Just got out of the shower, U?

Scott cringed to himself, Since when was he super cringey?

Scott walked over to the other side of his room, Closing his door. Melissa was already in bed, She had been working all week, Scott had convinced her to take the next week off, She deserved a break.

When Scott walked back over to his phone, Hearing his phone ding as he got another text from Malia.

Malia❤️: Typical. Any plans for this weekend?

Scott's face turned red, Was she asking him on a date? Did she want to hang out with him? Or is he really just overthinking everything?

Probably just overthinking.

Scott😂: Nope. You can come over if you want. My moms asleep so I'll let you in. Just give me a text.

Did he really just invite her over at 11PM? Yes he did, He was actually pretty excited.

Malia was kind of dumbfounded, She didn't see how obvious it was that Scott liked her. It wasn't a bad thing, Scott kind of liked that about her.

Malia❤️: You sure? I can wait until tomorrow if it's not a good time right now.

Scott read her message and instantly thought he did something wrong.

Scott😂: No No! You can come over. I was actually looking forward to some company anyway.

Scott smiled at the thought of her coming over, Malia was a really sweet person.

Meanwhile at Malia's house

She sighed out of exhaustion.

Her "dad" had been out drinking again, Making her job more complicated.

She had always looked out for him since she got out of her coyote form, All thanks to Scott.

If it wasn't for Scott... She didn't know where'd she'd be at by now.

She smiled at the thought of him, Did she have feelings toward her alpha? Was that weird? Did Scott even feel the same way about her?

Maybe Malia was overthinking things, But her heart would always beat quicker when she was around him, Of course when they went to Mexico she liked stiles, But there was something different about scott... he was always aware. Always Brave. Even when he was scared he would always be brave for the pack.

And Malia admired that about him, She thought it was really cute.

It wasn't until they brought Theo back from hell that she realized her feelings for him, she guessed that bastard was good for something.

She decided she would text Scott, Not telling him why she was actually texting him, She needed a distraction away from her dad.

Little did she know that they're night was just starting.

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