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Irl perspective

As soon as the bell rung Liam quickly got his things together and ran to Theo's classroom.

After running for what seems like forever, He finally gets to his classroom and already feels needy to have his boyfriend with him.

Theo came out of the classroom and smiled once he saw Liam already waiting for him.

Liam quickly saw Theo and grabbed his hand to get them out of the way before they got pushed out of the way.

Theo smirked and took this time to slam Liam against his locker and connect their lips.

"Lets get out of here princess, School's boring." Liam nodded and held Theo's hand as they got into the parking lot.

Liam could feel his blood rushing and his heart beating in his chest, Theo made him feel some kind of way,  he hated it but loved it.

Theo opened the his car door open for Liam and helped Liam into the car like a gentleman.

Theo wasn't usually nice to other people except maybe the pack, and of course to Liam.

But everyone else, not so much.

Theo was kind of the bad boy of school alongside Brett and Nolan. But the three hated each other.

All the girls would fight over Theo, But sadly, He was openly gay for Liam.

Liam loved Theo, and they knew this before they even got together, They had been through a lot together, and it's pulled them closer then ever.

Hayden, Liam's ex girlfriend even would make them sit beside each other and smile at the couple, Hayden supported their relationship and even would find ways to make them kiss or hold hands.

Liam snapped out of his thoughts by Theo putting his hand on his thigh.

"Where to princess?" He asked flirtatiously.

"My house" Liam said with a smirk and pulled Theo into a quick kiss before Theo started to pull out of the parking lot and into the road.

Liam couldn't focus, All he could think about is what they would do while they were at Liam's house.

It made him blush, He could imagine Theo's hands touching him all over, His hot mouth pressed against Liam's neck as he sucked.

It made Liam excited just thinking such exotic things.

Liam closed his eyes and took a deep breath, focusing on Theo's scent, His scent was sweet, He smelt like soap and cologne all the time, and it was candy to Liam's nose.

Theo would watch Liam from the side and smirk to himself, Thinking about what made Liam all hot and flustered, Liam's heart was beating faster like he was thinking of something happy, maybe even exotic.

Theo kept his hand on Liam's thigh as he drove, Breaking the silence not long after.

"What are you thinking about baby boy?" Liam looked at Theo with a small smile on his face.

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