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Scott: We're on our way back, Kira's mom is going to help us control the Oni.

Kira: Speaking of my mom, can we add her and my dad in the group?

Scott: Of course!

Kira has added Ken and Noshiko

Kira: Mom, Dad.

Noshiko: Kira, We are on our way, But there's one thing you should know.

Kira: ?

Noshiko: We have to be sure the one who's controlling the oni isn't the nogitsune.

Kira: So, We're going to check Liam first?

Noshiko: Who is this Liam you speak of?

Scott: He's my first beta. He's a good kid. He's only 16 but still.

Noshiko: And your sure he isn't possessed?

Scott: I'm sure.

Noshiko: Then your friend will control the oni, But he has to understand how to control them first.

Kira: How do we do that?

Noshiko: You need a Kitsune tail to summon them.

Kira: Oh.

Noshiko: Kira, You will have to control the Oni.

Kira: But.. We thought-

Noshiko: It's impossible for him.

Kira: Okay, Scott are you okay with this?

Scott: We do what we have to do.

Kira: Fine. I'll control the oni.

Noshiko: Since your my daughter, I'll use my last kitsune tail to help summon them.

Kira: Mom no you'll lose your powers

Noshiko: if it means saving your friends, it's a risk I'm willing to take.

Kira: Thank you mom.

Ken: Be careful Kira.

Kira: I will. I love you guys.

Scott: We're here. Kira are you coming?

Kira: Yes. I'll be there in a minute.

Scott: I love you.

Kira: I love you too.

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