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Scott: We're almost done.

Allison: I'm just glad it's almost over.

Kira: Same here.

Stiles: There's only 3 more people they can check

Theo: Me, Stiles and Lydia.

Liam: What happens if one of you are possessed?

Scott: The Oni will try to kill it but we won't let that happen.

Liam: So, I have a question.

Scott: Go Ahead

Liam: Since this thing is an evil kitsune (close to a fox) is smart and a trickster, Doesn't that means we can trick it too? It is a step ahead of us everytime we do something, Maybe we need to take a step back and think about this.

Scott: Liam's right. There is a way to trick this if we take a step back and think.

Liam: Wait... What if I be the bait?

Theo: No.

Liam: You've been the bait it's my turn.

Theo: I did that to save your life this is just idiotic. Think about it.

Liam: I can't just sit here and let this - THING run wild and turn everyone against eachother! I've already lost you guys once, I can't lose you again.

Scott: You won't. Don't worry so much.

Malia: Liam's right. We can't sit around and wait for it to makes its move first, We're playing a game here, We need to find out who it is and who it is fast.

Liam: Thank you!

Theo: It's too dangerous, We can't just go straight into battle we're asking for a death wish if we do that. We need a plan.

Liam: Who was the biggest trickster last year?

Theo: Me.

Liam: We need to come up with something, and something fast.

Theo: I might have a idea who it is.

Scott: who?

Theo: But you have to trust me.

Scott: I can't trust you when you talk like that

Theo: Liam, You said you wanted to be the bait right?

Liam: uh oh...

Theo: I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I have a plan.

Stiles: I really hate when he says that.

Derek: Whats your plan?

Theo: We wait until midnight. It's running out of time and I'm sure it's getting impatient right?

Derek: Yeah...?

Theo: Meet at the animal clinic. Whoever the Nogitsune is their in this groupchat.

Nolan: I'm scared

Gabe: Yeah and this thing around my ear is not a good look

Liam: But theo, What do we do if it attacks us?

Theo: I fight it off while you guys get the box ready, Easy peasy.

Liam: No.

Theo: No?

Liam: I'm not letting you do this alone.

Theo: You have too.

Liam: No.

Theo: Liam we're running out of options.

Liam: There's always other options. Theo you'll die you can't fight it off by yourself

Theo: Your going to have to trust me.

Liam: No. I'm not letting you do this.

Theo: Yes you are.

Liam: I've already lost someone I loved I can't lose you too.

Theo: You won't lose me.

Liam: If I let you do this... Promise me you won't get yourself killed

Theo: I can't promise anything

Liam: fine, promise me I won't lose you.

Theo: You won't.

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