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Irl perspective

The pack met at Scott's house at 7:00 (2 hours later) and well... Let's just say they weren't expecting what happened next.

"Thank you everyone for coming. We have addressed a very serious issue with someone within this group." Scott said, Starting the meeting like he always did.

"Theo was attacked. We don't know by who, But we only know he was attacked." Everyone nodded, Liam looked at Theo who was putting his hand on his side, Where the initials were.

Liam hadn't told Scott about them, But Scott needed to know, But when was the right time to tell him?

"You okay?" Liam whispered to Theo.

Theo nodded and opened his eyes, He must have been in pain.

"Does it hurt?" Liam asked worriedly, Lifting Theo's shirt up before Theo grabbed his hand.

"Don't." Is all he said.

"Theo, Its not healing like it should, Your in constant pain with it and there's something wrong with you and I'm going to figure it out." Liam said, Releasing his hand from Theo's shirt paying attention back to Scott.

Theo grabbed Liam's wrist, Trying his best to get him to look at him.

"Liam Please, I'm sorry." Liam looked at Theo, Shaking his head.

"Your not like yourself. What's going on?" Liam asked, Rubbing Theo's cheek with his thumb.

"You can tell me anything baby." Liam whispered, Sadly smiling.

And just like that, Something switched in Theo, Something that made him sound like his old self.

"But that's the thing Liam, I can't tell you anything. I can't trust you anymore." Liam's mouth hung open as he heart shattered to pieces. Was Theo using him?

"W-What?" Liam asked tears forming in his eyes.

"What's wrong baby?" Theo asked, Rubbing Liam's thigh.

"I-I can't do this." Liam stood up and walked out of Scott's house, Crying as he ran away.

He could hear Theo's calls telling him to stop and come back.

But Liam didn't listen, He was soaked from the rain, He was cold but that didn't matter, He was going to find Peter.

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