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Scott: Pack meeting. It's a emergency.

Malia: Oh no.

Allison: This can't be good.

Stiles: What happened?

Scott: Someone's out to get Theo.

Stiles: Why can't we just let them get him?

Scott: Thats not what we do stiles.

Stiles: Do you remember what he said about me? What if he deserves what's coming?

Derek: Stiles...

Lydia: I agree with Scott. I think even though SOME of us might still not trust him, we have to help him.

Scott: Thank you Lydia.

Stiles: Lydia come on.

Lydia: Allison I need your help.

Allison: I will help. Remember the saying?

Allison: Nous protègons ceux qui ne peuvent pas se protèger eux-mêmes.

Chris: We protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Isaac: I for one am tired of fighting. Let's help him.

Allison: Lets end this drama and prove we are there for each other. Let's prove we can trust one another. Let's prove the past is in the past.

Stiles: I really hate you guys sometimes... But your right.

Hayden: I don't want to be a good person... But I agree. Let's help him.

Derek: Like Allison said, Let's end this.

Scott: Let's do it. Pack meeting in 2 hours.

Allison: Got it.

Malia: Yes Sir.

Mason: Do we have to be there?

Scott: Yes. PACK meeting.

Corey: Sometimes I wish I wasn't part of this pack...

Scott: Too bad. We need all the help we can get.

Mason: Damn.

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