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Friday night at the McCall house was always fun.

Stiles would come over, Liam practically lived there, And now even Isaac and Theo we're showing up.

Scott was overwhelmed by the amount of friends he had, But there was also another feeling.


They didn't know much about Theo other then him being a werewolf- But there was way more to the story they didn't know.

Theo wasn't exactly open to any of their questions either.

After Scott got some time alone with him, He lowered his voice as he began to talk.

"I have a question, it may not be my place to ask, But I know you aren't just a werewolf. You have a different smell to you then a normal wolf would."

Theo smirked, Looking Scott dead in the eyes.

"You're not as dumb as you put on to be. You're right, I'm not only a werewolf." Theo said, Taking a sip of his coke he poured.

"So what are you?" Scott asked impatiently.

Theo just chuckled and took another sip of his drink, Smirking as he whispered close to Scott's ear.

"I'll leave you to find that out." He said before walking away to the others.

Scott couldn't put his finger on it, But he had a weird feeling about Theo. It wasn't necessary a bad one, But it wasn't a good one.

Scott shrugged his feelings off and went to apologize to Theo.

He grabbed his shoulder gently Theo flipping around instinctively.

"What do you want from me McCall." Theo asked lowly, Looking him up and down.

"I just wanted to apologize. I'm sorry for asking such personal questions. You can talk to us when you're ready. We're here for you." Scott said before walking away.

Theo stood there for a minute. If he told him the truth he wouldn't trust him. It's not like he wanted this.

Liam walked up to Theo staring at him without even realizing he was. Theo snapped of his gaze and noticed Liam.

He smiled softly seeing the beta in front of him.

He was a really sweet kid.

Theo Actually liked Liam, But in a friendway.

"Liam?" He asked unsurely.

Liam snapped out of his fit of stares and noticed he was in front of Theo.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled quietly.

"It's okay Liam, Is something wrong? You can talk to me." Theo said, He has never really been the supportive type. But what if Liam was scared to talk to Scott about something and needed someone else he could trust? He barely even knew Theo but his gut told him to trust him.

"Nothing- It's nothing. Just some stupid thing I did. Really stupid." He answered as he was about to walk away but theo grabbed his arm.

"We can go somewhere private and talk if you want." He said making eye contact instantly.

Liam gulped but nodded.

They took off towards Scott's room where no one else was. Just them.

Theo opened the door and let Liam in before he came in himself.

Liam didn't fully trust Theo yet. But he was giving him a second chance.

Liam knew Theo had protected him against the ghost riders and the dread doctors and he was greatful for that.

He was trying his best to redeem himself and Liam respected that. He just didn't know if he was trustworthy again or not.

"What's going on Liam?" Theo asked making Liam look down at his feet.

"If you're not comfortable talking about it you don't have to talk to me. I can get stiles or Scott maybe even Malia?" Liam shook his head and inhaled before lifting his head.

"Me and Hayden broke up, But that's the thing, I wasn't sad when we broke up. It's like my heart broke for a second and then mended itself back together. I think my heart knew Hayden wasn't for me. Maybe I've always had my eyes on this one person but been to afraid to admit it." Theo didn't know what to say, He wasn't good with advice or comforting anyone. But he would always try his best.

"Sounds like you've got a case of love. Who is this special someone?" Liam froze. He stopped breathing for atleast 5-10 seconds and Theo couldn't hear his heartbeat and started freaking out. "Liam? Are you okay?" Once the color returned to Liam's face he put his head in his hands to hide the blush in his cheeks.

Theo could smell his feelings, He was nervous embarrassed and flustered. Theo thought it was the cutest thing ever.

"Liam it's okay you don't have to tell me." Liam nodded, He couldn't talk to Theo right now. If he did he would die from embarrassment.

Theo smirked before walking out of the room. Leaving Liam to die from embarrassment.

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