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Irl perspective

"What do you mean?" Scott asked, Slightly scared and confused.

"Someone in this room is going to die tonight, I don't know who I just know they are." Lydia was hugging her knees as she couldn't get the feeling out of her system.

"Everyone calm down. Maybe her banshee instinct is wrong. But we may be able to save whoever it is." Scott explained.

"Scott's right. Let's just have each others back. It can't kill us if we stick together." Derek agreed, The others nodding.

"We need a plan." Derek said, Thankfully Deaton was in town and was back home.

"I can call Deaton and see what we can plan out. We aren't going to be able to do this alone though." Scott said taking his phone out going to the front of the room.

"Gather the rest of the pack." Scott said before he left to call Deaton.

"I can call mason and corey." Liam said taking his phone out knowing they were together.

"I'll call Hayden." Theo said.

"I'll call Nolan and Gabe and tell them to bring their hunter equipment." Allison said, They all nodded and started calling the other pack members.

They all called the other pack members and you could literally say they were there in a minute. Literally.

Nolan and Gabe sped their way here and so did mason and corey.

"We got here as fast as we could." Corey said as he ran into the clinic.

"What's the plan?" Gabe asked holding his hunting rifle filled with wolfsbane.

"We know the Nogitsune is not inside Lydia and stiles so we hunt them down and trap them in these two boxes." Scott showed them one while Allison held the other.

"Kira is on her way." Malia said as she just got off the phone with her.

"Good. We need everyone." Scott said, Nolan and Gabe had to admit, They were scared.

They never dealt with this and it was scary, But they hit it and replaced with courage.

"I'm about ready to beat some Nogitsune ass." Stiles came up behind Scott smirking.

"So am I. Let's get this over with." Lydia said honestly, Smiling as she held Stiles' hand.

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