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Scott: So are we just going to ignore that Theo and Liam are Actually a good pair?

Stiles: I hate to admit it but yeah they really are

Mason: They are, Theo is actually really sweet and romantic with Liam.

Corey: and Liam is the same way with Theo.

Scott: Okay, I 75% trust Theo.

Stiles: He's growing on me.

Lydia: Can we just admit that they are a cute couple?

Malia: They are, I wasn't expecting them to work out.

Scott: Even Malia agrees.

Malia: He hasn't done anything bad in months, I have learned to trust him.

Stiles: Same.

Kira: I trust him.

Allison: I trust him with Liam. Myself? Idk.

Isaac: He's changed. Like he literally is trying to change.

Scott: If you really think about it he couldn't help that he was evil.

Malia: When he got older he could.

Lydia: Well he WAS corrupted as a child, so that's all he's ever known.

Malia: True, But I was a coyote for 8 years!

Scott: Thats also true

Liam: Morning guys

Theo: Morning Everyone

Stiles Morning

Scott: Morning guys, Finally decided to get up?

Liam: What Time is it?

Allison: 11:45

Theo: Shit

Liam: What the hell, Why did you let us sleep that long?

Scott: You guys were tired, We decided to let you sleep in.

Liam: Well thanks but I've got to get a move on. I have things to do today.

Theo: So do I, See you tonight Li?

Liam: See you tonight Babe.

Kira: Awww

Scott: Babe? Liam I've never heard you call anyone babe

Liam: Its his nickname.

Kira: Aww they're already starting with nicknames how cute!

Allison: I'm shocked, Me and Isaac didn't start with the pet names until 2 months after we started dating.

Isaac: Its true, we would just call each other Isaac and Allison lol.

Liam: It just feels natural to call him babe or baby, And he seems to like those sooo

Scott: What does he call you?

Liam: Baby Boy, Baby, Sweetie, Princess, Little wolf.

Scott: Awwww

Isaac: Thats cute

Allison: Take notes Isaac.

Isaac: Nice one Princess.

Liam: Aww he calls you princess.

Allison: Yeah, He'll call me pet names when he's in the mood, He calls me Allison or Argent when he's serious.

Liam: Thats how Theo is too. But he's not so serious right now. We haven't had a huge fight yet except a few small ones.

Mason: Awww

Corey: Thats cute, But when you do have your first fight there may be tears spilled.

Mason: It happens with every couple.

Scott: It does, Me and Kira had our first fight 2 months ago.

Kira: I threw hands at him.

Liam: What did you fight about?

Scott: She was mad at me for staying out late with stiles, but really he was helping me with my homework for the test that was tomorrow.

Kira: Boy I'm still mad at you for not telling me

Scott: it will never happen again I swear

Kira: Good

Liam: So me and Theo will fight like that?

Scott: Yes but you will both work it out and move on.

Liam: Thats a lot of pressure.

Stiles: Lydia do you want to hang out? I was planning on going to eat something then go to the mall


Stiles: It's a date.

Lydia: K.


Lydia: Maybe

Stiles: Maybe, Maybe not 👀

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