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Irl perspective

Theo had woken up to Liam not being beside him, He was sore as hell and he wanted his boyfriend.

"Liam?" Theo called out, Hoping Liam didn't leave him all by himself.

Theo slowly went downstairs and found Liam at the table with his parents, When did they get home?

"Liam?" Theo asked as he slowly made his way to the kitchen.

"Oh Theo sweetie your up! Liam said you had a rough night last night and was exhausted." Mrs. Geyer said.

Theo nodded and gave her a quick hug, Wincing as her body made contact with his.

"Are you okay?" Mrs. Geyer asked, Noticing Theo's wince.

"Yeah I'm fine- Just a little sore that's all." He smiled and went over to Liam.

He leaned down and whispered in his ear.

"We need to talk. Something happened to my wound." Liam nodded and excused himself from the table and followed Theo up to his and Liam's room.

Liam shut the door behind them and turned to Theo.

"What's wrong with it?" Liam questioned and raised his boyfriends shirt to see something horrific.

There were more scratch marks but there were also initials carved into Theo's side.

"T.S and P.H?" Liam read out loud.

Theo nodded.

"Tracy Stewart and Peter hale." Liam gasped, What the hell were they doing together? First of all, Theo killed Tracy and second of all, Isn't Peter on their side? Why would they do this to him?

"I'm just as confused as you, I killed Tracy and Peter is on our side." Liam nodded and got his phone out, Taking a picture of Theo's side.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt?" Theo shook his head and gave Liam his hand, Showing him he wasn't in pain.

"It's slowly healing but it won't heal for 2-3 days if this is how slow I'm healing." Liam nodded and ran his fingers along the initials, Recognizing the hand writing.

"Theo, Come here." Theo went over to Liam who was now sitting at the desk with a pencil and a piece of paper.

"What is it?" Theo asked as Liam wrote down the Initials on the paper, Theo quickly realizing its the same hand writing that's on his side.

"Liam... What?" Theo furrowed his eyebrows, Not following.

"I've been having the same nightmare every night. Your in it and so is the pack. in my nightmare, We're out looking for someone when suddenly, Something triggers me to..." Liam stopped, Theo encouraging Liam to go on.

"Something triggered me to attack you. By the time Scott and the others found me... I had already killed you." Liam had tears rolling down his cheeks as he remembered everything.

"Liam... You won't hurt me. You would never. Liam you have to know even if you do hurt me, I will still love you. You can't do anything that would change that. I don't care if you hurt me." Liam sniffled, Nodding as Theo embraced Liam in a kiss.

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