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Scott: Morning, Anything happen?

Malia: Nope. Nothing.

Stiles: No.

Lydia: Same ^

Theo: ^^

Liam: ^^^

Derek: I was marked last night, I have a backwards 5 behind my ear -_-

Peter: I was also marked, It's not a nice feeling really.

Scott: I'm marked too, So who hasn't been marked?

Mason: Me

Corey: Me

Liam: Me

Theo: Me

Stiles: Me

Lydia: Me

Kira: Me

Malia: Me

Hayden: Me

Nolan: Me

Gabe: Me?

Brett: ^^^^^^^^^^^ But I don't wanna be marked either sooo

Aiden: I was marked

Ethan: Same, Why is this happening again?

Scott: The Nogitsune is back. Therefore the Oni is back to find out who it is. Seems like we've got 12 more people to be checked.

Lydia: If you don't count Parrish.

Scott: Yeah someone has to add him back

Stiles: No way

Scott: Fine I'll do it

Scott has added Parrish to the groupchat

Parrish: Why am I here?

Scott: Don't freak out, But we've brought these supernatural creatures here to find out where the Nogitsune / Dark kitsune is. They won't stop until they find it.

Parrish: Okay?

Scott: They may or may not mark you.

Parrish: What do I do if they do?

Scott: Let them do it. They won't hurt you unless you try to hurt them or stand in their way.

Parrish: I really should have moved to New York when I had the chance

Brett: Same ^

Liam: What do we do if it's too late?

Scott: What do you mean too late?

Liam: Like... Too late as in everyone's dead, What happens if it succeeds?

Scott: That won't happen. There's no need to fear the worse. We've dealt with this before, We can handle it again.

Allison: Scott's right. I nearly died from this thing, We just need to make sure this thing doesn't have the Oni to protect it.

Kira: I won't let it take them away from me.

Allison: It's settled. We'll do anything it takes to save the person it's possessed, And we will fight until the death.

Isaac: I second that.

Liam: Guys I need you to promise me one thing

Scott: What is it Li?

Liam: If it's me, Do whatever it takes to kill this thing. I don't care if it kills me too.

Scott: We'll make sure it doesn't come down to that. And Liam your not the Nogitsune.

Liam: ...Okay.

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