Yoruko's and Narni's 1x1 MHA RP

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Name:  Yoruko Kurosaki
Nickname/Hero Name:  Dark Dragon.  Her nickname, from Bakugou, is "Monster" or "Monster-chan" back when they were young.
Age:  14, 15 in the Sports Festival, 15 and a half in the Internship arc, and lastly, 16 in the Pro Hero Exams arc
Sexuality:  Straight
Gender:  Female
Appearance:  Black hair with black eyes, and fair pale skin.  Yoruko has a size lower than the normal breast size for her breast, and she has some scars from training, like on her back, hands, wrists, and lastly, has a scar running from above her left eyebrow to the right of her mouth that was caused by the murderer of her mother when she was seven years old.
Clothes/Attire:  Yoruko wears a black bodysuit like the one above for her Ukaku under a cloak having a big clock pin the cloak securely around Yoruko, and wears gloves that she had a sharp knife be sown into the gloves by the back of the gloves.  She also wears black casual pants, black shoes, and a black mouth guard with her bodysuit and cloak as a form of her hero outfit.  Around her home, Yoruko wears a black long-sleeved/short-sleeved shirt (depending on the season.) with black capris, a dark blue jacket over her shirt, black dress shoes, and some armor around her neck, arms, waist, and legs.  Yoruko also wears a yin necklace, goggles similar to Aizawa's but blue, and a dark scarf around her neck.
Personality:  Shy, Introvert, Antisocial Personality Disorder, a bit stern (a bit Tsundere), loyal, reckless, and would just fight.  Yoruko also doesn't get when to get to safety.  But overtime she became less shy, slowly began to get rid of her Antisocial Personality Disorder, became less reckless, and now knows where to get to for safety after training.  Is a mix between Tsundere and Introvert.  Tends to be secretive and snarky at some people she doesn't want to reveal anything to.  When meeting new people, she gets shy and won't talk to anyone.
Likes:  Matcha Latte, Earl Grey Tea, scones, Ramen, Dango, clothes she thinks are awesome, horror stuff, scaring people, and things to cover herself up.
Dislikes:  Getting distracted, getting beaten up by her bully aka rival Katsubaka (Bakugou).  Yoruko hates thinking she's useless, pathetic, and a monster.  The opposite of her likes, not doing anything, beating herself up, and crying.  Yoruko hates octopus due to how weird they are.
Class: 1-A
Friends:  Tenya Iida, Tokoyami, Izuku, Shouto, Eijiro, Jiro, Denki, Itsuka Kendo, Uraraka, Hanta Sero, Mashirao Ojiro, Tsuyu Asui, and Momo Yaoyorozu
Rivals:  Katsuki Bakugou, ever since the two had a bad confrontation in their childhood that resulted in Bakugou having a scar on his right rib to when Yoruko got almost above Bakugou's seven hundred meter Explosion Quirk-infused ball throw for the Quirk Apprehension Tests.
Enemies:  The League of Villains initially until meeting Jin Bubaigawara aka Twice and a blast from her past, specifically her childhood, who is now Dabi.  Some people she deems her enemies are some loud members of Shie Hassaikai, like Mimic, and some members of the League of Villains that are Muscular, Magne, Mustard, Moonfish, Tomura Shigaraki, Spinner, and Himiko Toga.

Crush(es):  Todoroki Shouto, Tenya Iida, Dabi/Todoroki Touya, Katsuki Bakugou, Kai Chisaki aka Overhaul and Hawks aka Keigo Takami.
Crush Relationship - Shoto: They bond really well after Yoruko accidentally used her "Dark Angel" Quirk on him and they would usually protect one another from mean people.  They are also childhood best friends that have forgotten each other until meeting again in Yuuei.
Crush Relationship - Tenya: They bond also well with how studious they both are.  Yoruko always chuckles or giggles when Iida does his crazy hand motions or acts like a robot.  On the other hand, Tenya gets flustered when Yoruko points out things he forgets or when he messes up.  Also, they are childhood friends with Shoto, Deku/Izuku, and tragically Bakugou, until Bakugou stopped hanging out with them.  During their childhood, Yoruko and Tenya would admire, along with talk about, Tenya's brother Ingenium.  They also would converse about things that would bring them close together, and that was a few days before Yoruko saw her mother die.  Then, they didn't talk to each other and have forgotten each other until meeting again in Yuuei, with Tenya recognizing her in someway.  He helps Yoruko anyway he can so he can continue what Yoruko's mother Masaki had left off on, and while doing so, he starts fall incredibly hard for her that he quickly asks her on a date at a café, which starts some dates afterwards that range from café dates to ones in which they go to events in stadiums that would intrigued her.
Crush Relationship - Dabi/Touya: Yoruko knew him from when he was 4-5 years older than Shoto when the two were four, before Touya died his hair and fled from the Todoroki Residence.  Dabi knew her almost ten years later as a hero that used to have super speed and electrokinesis.  Now, the two remember each other, with Yoruko always recognizing his scent, no matter if he was caked in mud or the like, and Dabi/Touya with the same features that made him easily remember Yoruko.  The two would hang out around ten pm, with Dabi knowing how Yoruko's a nightcrawler and a little insomniac, and also knowing she is a Ghoul when a knife from Toga broke due to the strength of a Ghoul's skin to the point where knives and the like won't hurt her.  With him knowing this, Dabi/Touya fed her, when they hang out, corpses that he burned.  In a way, he would do anything for her, and on her should she somehow despise him.  He's the one that would have Yoruko join the League of Villains, and prepare her for the Forest Training Camp Yuuei is doing but for the Vanguard Action Squad's side, given that he's the supposed leader of that squad.  If he sees that Yoruko gets touched by a classmate of hers or one from other classes, he can either burn that person or take them to torture them.  When Yoruko happens to spend her nights at the bar for the League of Villains, Dabi would share with her his bed and bedsheets while holding her.  The next day after that, Dabi may lend her one of his shirts and a jacket not used for his villain outfit to use to wear for her school.  The rest can be made up.
Crush Relationship - Denki:  Classmate and friend.  One day, Denki was clinging onto Yoruko and crying on her about how Jiro doesn't love him.  Yoruko soothes him and gets him back to smiling.  During their match, Denki was amazed by the beauty of her Draconic Quirk and he fell for her more, after the Sports Festival.  When she told him she is a Ghoul, he got scared but he soon continued to love her so much for this that he would be her flesh bank (a person that gives another person parts of their flesh) and give her some of his flesh to save her from any devastating attacks, and in turn, she would medicate wherever she ate his flesh at.  When they hang out at her home, he clings to her and does flirty things to her while telling her about humans.  Here's more of Yoruko's and Denki's relationship

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