Chapter 126 - Isis

Start from the beginning

"Hannak!" Tears coursed down the Captain's face. He couldn't believe his eyes. He had hoped the Ghost Lord would save Hannak's life but he had never expected her to be completely whole again. Without another word, he embraced his mate in a bear hug. "Thank you, Ghost Lord. I am forever in your debt."

Isis smiled wearily; healing was a tiring but satisfying job. She retracted her hands and the healing glow faded. Hannak should be fully recovered in a few more seconds. She should move on to the rest. There were many more wounded here. She glanced up at the floating timer overhead; she had only five minutes left.

Hannak pushed her mate away. "Not here Vorrok. There will be time after we chase off this wave. I feel better than good," she said mischievously patting the Captain's thigh. "Thank you Ghost Lord. Vorrok is a mighty Captain and a fierce warrior but he is really such an orcling at times."

"I am not!" he growled hastily wiping tears from his wet face.

"Yes, you are my Vorrok and I would not have it any other way. Now, you finish your duty with the Ghost Lord and I will go do mine. The Overlord needs every warrior against those hell dogs."

"I will see you later then," the Captain said suggestively. "My duty is to protect the Ghost Lord whilst she makes her rounds. She will not take long."

"Much, much later. We have a war to fight."

"Report to the North wall. The Overlord is there with Jarrakg."

Hannak nodded and stood up. She raised her voice in the Infirmary to address the fallen warriors. "Stay strong! See? The Ghost Lord has saved me. She will heal as many as she can before she has to leave. I will wait for you at the courtyard for five minutes, no more. Come find me, we report to Jarrakg for new assignments and positions."

"We will fight again for the Overlord's glory!" Hannak roared passionately.

She raised her fist angling her body to face Isis and waited until all the wounded in the large chamber had raised theirs as well. Vorrok raised his in silence following her lead, his black eyes watering again.

"Honours to your clan Ghost Lord. Your help today will not be forgotten. Gwar! Gwar! Gwar!"

On an unspoken signal, all the orcs in the Infirmary thumped their chests smartly in salute to the human Priestess. The sound of hundreds of huge fists banging in unison was overwhelming. The military salute reverberated around the chamber. Gratitude shone on every face. They will not have to die here, maimed, useless and bleeding to death, She will give them another chance to fight and gain more honours for their own clans. They would die like warriors!

After the impromptu salute, the injured orcs settled down. But this time, hope shone on their rugged faces. Bravely, they endured their sufferings as they waited for the Ghost Lord. Hopefully she would have time to save them.

Isis, Priestess and revered Ghost Lord swallowed hard. She too was overcome with emotion. The awesome moment of gratitude and appreciation for her healing Skills was a feeling she would never forget. Quickly she pulled herself together. There were still many who needed healing. She had work to do now. She would wallow and enjoy the awesome moment later, again and again on Replay. Isis gave a small laugh. She might just wear out the Replay button.

"Your mate reports directly to Jarrakg? I thought Jarrakg was the Second-in command only after the Warlord."

"Yes she does," Vorrok, the Captain answered as he watched his higher raking mate marched to the large Infirmary doors. "Hannak is Sub-Commander, soon to be Commander," he said proudly. "Her Commander is dead and she is the best among the Subs under his command."

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