Chapter 60 - Crazy Fans

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Aria tapped 'Enter' on the Send button. The urgent message was directed at the five desperate gatekeepers.

She smiled in satisfaction, then rubbed her hands and went back to directing the crazy fans. More than two hundred had logged in and more were still coming online. The word continued to spread like wildfire as more played, messaged and texted their friends. She glanced at Chloe and let out a small laugh. Chloe's usually carefree happy attitude was replaced by a serious expression on her face. The tip of her tongue was sticking out as she concentrated on typing instructions.

The fans were attacking the twenty lords who dared strike one of their precious gatekeepers. The enemy Heroes who had died and had re-spawned were huddling in their cities, gulping down potion after potion to maintain their Shields. Those who had not died, suffered each blow to their shields heroically whilst fighting off the Resistance. They were also given unlimited free Health potions by Simtrixx. Their only problem was having the time to retrieve it to drink. In the heat of battle, all they could do was endure each hit to their Shields. The brutal bombardment to their city shields by enraged fans took their toll on the invaders and interfered with their fighting. They staggered and missed. Their fighting became sloppy as they were distracted by Energy pulls from their respective shields.

The gatekeepers sensing something was up, renewed their efforts. They slashed through seas of soldiers to target the raiding Heroes. Player after player was brought down by them. The score now was Constantine four, Lazarus five, Valentine four, Kirana three and Isis two. One more to go, where was he?

That was when the horde of fresh soldiers swept into the courtyard. They charged through the main entrance, its iron gates long unhinged and broken. They scrambled over crumbled walls like ants. Thousands upon thousands came in shouting battle cries, waving their weapons.

Lazarus's gaze met Constantine's eyes. Death was inevitable. He gave Constantine a rueful half smile. This was the end. They had played for hours. They were tired. Their armies were almost gone. The ranking Assassin's once prosperous city had been turned to rubble. A jerk of his head thanked the Red Warlock for his help.

Constantine nodded in understanding smiling, it had been fun while it lasted, now it was time to die a heroic death. He opened his arms wide as if to embrace death, holding the dramatic pose for a few moments until he was certain Simtrixx got his magnificent profile. Then he threw Lazarus a cocky grin and turned back to defend himself from spears. He would show these NPCs how a Hero of the Realms should go, in a fight to the death!

"To the death!!" Constantine yelled on top of his lungs. "This is the end!! Until we re-spawn again my friend!" He spared a last glance at his comrade before returning his full attention to his own survival. "Back! Back, I say you cheating pixels!" he spread his arms as red lightning crackled to engulf the NPCs before him.

Lazarus laughed at the Red Warlock's antics, but he was right, they would die and re-spawn again to continue the fight. There was no need to be so serious, the game was to be enjoyed and appreciated ... if only he had the time to do so. The Assassin couldn't see the others. He would hold out until he died again, then he would let the enemy have his city. He would think of another plan, regroup and sneak in later to salvage what he could.

Incoming message from Nyx :

New Heroes and armies entering Lazarus cities are friends. They are here to help! They are on our side. Don't kill them!!

Wait, what? Hope blossomed in his chest. Was he reading right? Oh Gods! Was this Nyx's plan? Where did she get all these people from ... oh! His eyes widened in realisation. Could it be the stalker blog with the gatekeeper fans? Brilliant! The girl was simply brilliant!!

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