Chapter 87 - Kalthu

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It was decided that Valentine and Kasakh would continue searching for more clues at the orc's home while Constantine and Lazarus went to the Overlord's Stronghold. They had to be careful, the Overlord was desperate for his prince's life and could kill without reason.

The two highest ranking Heroes stood on the path leading to the Overlord's Stronghold. They could see the impressive high thick walls and the orc guards checking everyone going through the huge stone gate carefully.

"Sneak in or walk in?"

"Sneak in? Oh no, no, no, my friend. You insult me. We shall announce our arrival like true mighty Heroes. They will see us if we can help them, yes? Their little prince needs us."

Lazarus smiled in amusement. Valentine would have preferred to sneak in and take the risk of getting caught. It was more fun.


The two ghost lords marched up boldly to the open gates joining the queue of alien creatures waiting their turn to enter the stronghold. All manner of beings walked, slithered, glided and crawled in front of them.

"State your business," one fierce looking orc guard halted them in when it was their turn.

"We want to see the Overlord," Constantine announced.

"He is too busy for the likes of you. You can meet with the High Counsellor and he will decide. Weapons?"

"Weapons? I have only my bare hands as you can see," said the Red Warlock waving his empty hands in the air innocently. "And my friend here only has this bow. Laz, show him."

Lazarus obediently unslung the low graded Level 25 bow from his shoulder which he had prepared for the charade and held it out for the guard to inspect.

"For hunting small game," the Assassin explained.

"Hmmm, okay."

The orc waved the Heroes inside and turned his attention to the next in line.

"Hey! We are important people with important business for the Warlord. He will want to see us. I'm telling you, we can help him!"

The orc guard turned back to Constantine and snorted. "I doubt you, whatever you are, can help our most esteemed Overlord. You are not even an orc, you are only ..." he said condescendingly. Then he took a closer look and blanched, turning an ugly ash colour. He smacked the nearest guard pointing at the Heroes. "Aren't those hoomans?"

"Hoomans? Where?" The other orc asked looking around agitatedly. "Hoomans really exist? Is that what they look like? What are they doing here?"

"Lazarus? Constantine? ..." a familiar deep guttural voice cut in as a large commanding presence materialised. A hulking grey orc came striding towards the gatekeepers. "Keep quiet, I will handle this," he said to the two Heroes. He waved at the guard. "That will be all. I will take charge of these two."

"Yes, Sir!!"

"Oh ... and keep your mouths shut if you want to keep your black hearts beating."

They jumped to attention beating their chests smartly in unison and went back to their stations.

The commanding orc signalled several soldiers with him, "NARLOK!!"

The well trained warriors immediately saluted, banging their fists against the thick brass bands on their arms and enclosed the two gatekeepers, hiding them from general view.

Narlok formation; to secure, enclose and keep safe from harm and prying eyes.

"What the ..." Constantine said startled as large solid grey bodies crowded in around them.

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