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Nat's POV
Why couldn't he just talk to me?

What valid reason does he have not to trust me?

I wasn't being overdramatic, was I?

I grimace while in deep thought. Speaking of Jack... where the devil was he? My arm slid its way from under the delicate quilt my aunt had graciously made, arriving its way towards my phone that laid on the white end table.

3:00 a.m...

Just because I was upset, no, pissed beyond belief at him, didn't mean I couldn't have cared less about where he was and couldn't help but worry heavily. Not only that, nothing drove my anger more to the top than the idea of him not having the decency to check in. His pregnant girlfriend... does he not care anymore? What if he's not alright. My eyes watered in that exact moment, suddenly feeling the need to feel Jackson's affection envelop me with his strong arms. Am I still angry? Of course. But providing my body with appropriate rest beats being angry anytime right now.

It almost seemed to be the break of dawn as if hours had already gone by. I was unable to force myself to fall into a deep rest, let alone close my eyes. Because at this very moment, I stressed for Jack's wellbeing and our relationship. We've never had this big of a fight. Sure, there were disagreements here and there but never... this. What would happen now or tomorrow? I didn't know... but I could go on an entire night about my concerns...

I suddenly felt two tears from both eyes slide down my cheeks, presenting my emotional state. I pull on the blanket until it secured my whole body from my toes to over my shoulders, letting the edge rest underneath my nose. "What has gotten into you, Jackson Araceli?" I ask. Sighing out incoherent words, my hands covering my face.

And just like that, my mind slowly starts to settle. It settles enough to let me drift into fantasy and away from reality.

The next morning...

In case you haven't gotten the gist, my emotions and I haven't been getting along well. Not even close. And to be woken up by an alarm... well, let's not even go there.

I don't know. I'm not tossing things across the room yet, and that is the only thing that matters. Right? Right.

But those sorts of thoughts immediately went out the window and into the nearest alleyway dumpster. I'm thrown out of my pancakes and bacon-filled dream, discourteously awoken by the sound of an obnoxious ringing sound in my ear. I moved onto my opposite side while pummeling the side of my head with the pillow that used to be underneath my head.

But unfortunately, the alarm continued to blare so loudly, I could still hear it through my pillow.

My head shot up in pure anger, "Who set my fucking alarm?!" I shouted.

Slamming my hand down on the digital alarm clock, I sat up and pouted. Then realizing that I was the one who set the alarm clock, I facepalmed myself and groaned.

Waddling into the bathroom, the sun proudly glared through the arched window that lied above the bathtub. I made my way towards the tub while caressing my baby bump which covered the view of my feet. "Ready to take a bath, sweetheart?" I whispered to my bump before starting the bath.

30 minutes...

I happily got out of the bathtub and wrapped my towel around my body, staring at my glowing smile in the mirror. But just as quickly as that smile spread on my face, a frown soon replaced it. I sighed, gathering my hair products, and face products. "Well let's see daddy try to ruin our day, sweetheart. We can talk to him when he decides that the a-hole group isn't the one, hm?"

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