Chapter 30

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Natalia's POV
"Damien?!" I whisper-yelled, holding the phone against my moving chest.

"Why would you break in like this? There's a thing called knocking." Damien didn't make a sound as he slowly walked towards me. Something about this didn't feel right. Damien's aura didn't give off any kind of friendly vibe for some reason.

Very confused with his odd choice of behavior, I stood up quickly and moved back towards my room while dialing the last number of 911. I had no guess as to what was going on, but the cogent part of my brain was yelling to call help immediately. So that's exactly what I was doing.

However, he started charging at a little faster pace which got me really panicking. Before the second ring could happen, Damien snatched the phone and smashed it to pieces on the carpeted floor. How did he manage to do that? I have no clue, but I was really freaking out right now.

While running straight to Elena's room, I was about to scream but Damien's huge hand wrapped around my mouth like a bandage. Before I could even react, a sharp and cool edge of a blade was held against my throat. "If you cooperate, we won't have any problems. Understand? Disobey, and you won't want to find out what's going to happen," He said lowly, but with a new tone of voice that I've never heard come out of his mouth.


I had no choice but to nod as he still held the pocket knife to my throat while placing a cloth over my nose. My breathing got heavier as I panicked but the movements seemed to be getting slower and everything started to get blurry.

"Shhh..." Was the echoey voice I heard from Damien before I sank into unconsciousness.


Elena's POV
Gasping as I sat up in my bed, I held my chest from the nightmare that had just occurred in my sleep. Jesus, thank god it wasn't real!

"Good morning, sunshine," A voice shot through my phase of waking up. I groggily looked up at Vivian's figure leaning on the frame of the doorway with her arms and legs crossed. How the hell did she get in?

I mean, I don't mind that she's here, but just about anyone's presence would not do me any justice. With how I was feeling right now... no. Vivian stood there appraising me in a way as if I'd just done something seriously wrong.

"Vivian, give me a break. I know I look like shit, but it's not nice to judge people as soon as they wake up," I said, cuddling back into my covers. But of course, Vivian decided to represent the country of annoying people and rip the covers straight off my curled up body.

She didn't say anything but walked over to the window and parted my curtains to the cloudy skies of New York. Little water drops were visible on my window as it was still sprinkling quite a bit.

"Mind telling me why the lock of the door was broken?" She asked, jumping onto my bed into the traditional criss-cross applesauce position. I looked at her weirdly.

"Or why the door was sitting halfway open while you were asleep? Or maybe, why your whole apartment suite looks like a mob of animals swarmed right through it, hm?" She asked, completely bemused. Vivian was starting to confuse me herself.

"Vivian, what are you even talking about?" I asked her. She seemed shocked that I even asked that question. As I waited for her to answer and she cleared her throat, I could see the worry beginning to appear in her features. Her worried gaze was something I didn't want to deal with at 7:30 in the morning.

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