Chapter 10

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Natalia's POV

The car ride to my parents' house wasn't all that bad, surprisingly. There wasn't a whole lot of traffic, but there was a fair amount. We were only about 10 minutes away from the house. Taking out my phone to check the time, my clock said 8:40 pm.

I brought my hands up to my face and rubbed my eyes. Car rides always made me tired and my knees started to hurt indicating that they needed to pop.

My phone vibrates and the screen lights up. When I checked to see who texted, it read 'Weirdo'. I immediately knew it was Elena.

Weirdo: Hey, can we talk?

Well I'm not mad anymore, so what's the harm?

Me: Sure. Just FaceTime me in about 15 minutes

I sigh and look out the window. If only there was a way to permanently erase moments in your life. For instance, the day I ever met Adam. Or perhaps the day I ever met Jackson. Anyways, I knew that wasn't possible. We were now in the prosperous side of Manhattan based off of the fancy looking homes we were passing by.

As my parents' house was within eyesight, we were slowing down until we fully pulled up into the driveway by the fountain. The car finally came to a stop and was let out by one of dad's bodyguards. I slowly got out and stretched my legs which had fallen asleep due to sitting in the same position as I had when we left my house.

Struggling to get my suitcase out of the trunk, one of the bodyguards lifted it out as if it was nothing. I liked all of my dad's bodyguards cause they were really good at their job, but there was one of them that never failed to get my attention.

Looking up to see who it was, I see Damien staring down at me with no expression on his face. He only gave me a slight nod before he left me standing there awkwardly. "Okay then." I say, nodding my head once.

Damien has been working for my dad since I turned 15. When I first saw him walk through that door, the first thing I thought was that he's very handsome. But what was weird was that I've never seen him crack a smile or even let out a laugh. Not even a chuckle.

I know you would expect my dad's guards to be buff and serious guys all the time, but they're not. They like to joke around with us here and there but obviously serious about their job. But Damien? Never had one expression on his face whatsoever, yet he's always kept me interested.

It's whatever anyways... it's not like he's my boyfriend or anything. I shrugged and rolled my suitcase inside along with my family beside me, talking about things dealing with Belize.

As soon as we entered the house, the maids came running up to us to take our suitcases up to our rooms for the night. I gladly removed my backpack and put it on top of my suitcase where the handle was.

"Natalia! Welcome back, dear." Katie, one of the maids, greeted me. Katie has been with us since I was born. She's basically like a second mother to me, and my family loves her. "Hey Katie! How was your vacation?" I asked her. "It was great! Thanks for asking." I nodded while giving her a wide smile.

Katie hands my suitcase to one of the other maids.  She turned back to me and clapped her hands together. "Okay! What would you like for dinner?" I thought for a minute.

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