Chapter 25

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Natalia's POV
"You ready to go?" He nodded his head towards the exit sign by the elevator.

"Yes..." I trailed off awkwardly. "You're dropping me off first right?" I inquired as we headed towards his car.

"If that's what you want, Angel then yes. It's completely alright with me either way," He replied in a sad tone, probably knowing my intentions on never speaking to him again. He nonetheless held the car door open for me as I gave him a light thanks and a smile.

"Thanks." I sat anxiously in the seat while waiting for him to get in and start the car so I could get home and cry myself to sleep. He was confusing me with all his benign gestures towards me, and not only that... it's like his aura has changed around me lately. Shutting his side of the door, nothing but the car engine reverberated the entire car and crammed it's way into our silence.

"Is there a reason why you got so quiet?" Jackson questioned as he started to withdraw out of the reserved parking space. Jackson was backing out abnormally slow as if he was wanting to stall this car ride in order to get the answers he wanted.

"No, I'm just tired." It wasn't a lie. Although, that's not all what I was going to do tonight...

My answer didn't seem to be up with his standards as he was giving me nothing but a once over, like he was trying to figure me out. "Just tired, huh?"

I gave him a 'duh' look, praying he would just forget it. "Why are you digging this deeper than it needs to be? I'm just tired, end of story." In reality, I just wanted to get away from his presence before I said or did something moronic. Just because I was acting like a crab before we got to the restaurant, doesn't mean that my heart was more than halfway destroyed. This  was all just a facade, and I was just enjoying my time with him whilst I could.

"I'm sorry, Angel. You're sitting here tired, wishing you could be home already while I'm over here inspecting you like you committed some crime." With an apologetic smile, Jackson pulled into the busy streets, driving as fast as the speed limit allowed him to. What? He usually likes to ignore the speed limit no matter what. He used to speed even when I yelled at him not to. Sigh.

Stillness. Nothing but stillness overpowered the car. There was nothing else on my mind except for tissues, ice cream, tears, Jackson, and more ice cream as well as Jackson... oh and a huge pile of tissues... and a bucket of tears. How dare he? How dare he make me fall for him. I hate him so much, yet I would be willing to wake up to his face every morning just to kiss him senselessly as I declared how much I loved him.

He knows how I feel about him and he's probably thinking about how stupid and naive I am, not feeling bad about what he does to a girl.

"You're not speeding." I dumbly spoke out. No shit, captain obvious. We've been over this already. God, I know we've been over this, but it's true!

"I know that, Angel," Jackson replied amusedly as he did in fact speed up as if he realized that he was going slower than usual.

"Also, thank you for introducing me to your family. It means a lot despite the fact that it should've been Laura," I spoke, feeling very awkward at this very moment.

"Of course, Angel. There's no one better I would love to introduce my parents but you. Even if that person should be Laura." He grinned boyishly at the road in front of him, causing me to feel overly flattered. Lord have mercy, his smile makes my toes curl. Definitely way better than his usual playboy smirk. Not even kidding, his smile kind of made me forget about the current situation we were in.

"You really need to smile more, Jackson." My lip biting habit was starting to kick in. I'm also convinced his ego was bursting through the car roof by now as the regular Jackson smirk was becoming visible on his handsome face. And... he's back. I really need to shut up. "Frick, I really regret saying that now..."

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