Chapter 12

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Natalia's POV
When I reached the kitchen, I opened the fridge to look at the different varieties of foods that were just waiting to be devoured. Let's see, there was pancakes...eggs...bacon...sausages.

Is nobody up yet? It's such a beautiful morning here in Belize, and nobody has managed to get up yet. I just shook my head and decided on making Eggs Benedict with a fruit bowl. I was already half done making two poached eggs. While cooking, I danced, swayed my hips, and started singing 'Jonas Blue' by William Singe.

"I wanna live fast and never look back, it's what we're here for," I sang carelessly. "Don't want to wake up one day wondering-."

My careless singing was soon replaced with someone's voice.

"You're awfully cheerful this morning." I jumped out of surprise. I turned around slowly to see Damien's face with a knowing smile spread across it. What the?! I've never seen him smile before!

I didn't have any words that would excuse this awkward moment of him walking in on me wildly dancing to a song. God, why do people always have to stroll in at the wrong time?

"Hi." I mentally cursed at my stupid, vague response. Really Natalia? 'Hi' is all you came up with? He soon shook his head while laughing. "Hey, don't laugh! You can't blame a girl for being nervous around you. I mean, look at you! You're like a walking dessert!" Damien's eyes were as wide as saucers and had a tinge of pink set on his cheeks. Even I was shocked about what I said!

Both of my hands were over my mouth. I already knew that my face was not even a regular shade of red. It was probably a deep, deep color of wine red.

I can't believe I really just told my own bodyguard that he's hot and not to mention-I compared him to food. Fan-fucking-tastic ya dip shit! Someone might as well shoot me now.

He started laughing really hard but soon started to realize what he was doing and started fake coughing to stop himself from doing so.

"I'm flattered Ms. Henderson, but I don't think you're father would appreciate this kind of conversation." Although his eyes were directed towards the ground, I already knew his eyes were dilating with some kind of emotion.

I was still standing there, motionless. Why do I always have to be so humiliating around him?

"You're right. I really shouldn't have said that." I replied back. God damn's awkward once again. Like I said before we left the house, it's gonna be awkward as hell with him on this trip.

I suddenly started freaking out cause the sizzling of the food grew louder but thankfully it wasn't burnt. "Erm, you can have some if you want." I sheepishly said, without looking him in the eyes.

Damien shook his head lightly, saying a faint 'no thank you'. He walked out of the room, muttering something to himself. As I expected... I really don't blame him, though. He's probably thinking about how the daughter of a big time CEO is totally insane. Go figure...

I turned my head back to my plate. The plan was to hurry up and eat so I can get ready to do my early morning jog and do my photoshoot. Excitement was running through my body at the thought of this very day ahead of me.

"Anneliese, we're not having this conversation again." I could hear my parents faint voices while eating my breakfast. "So please just drop it," Dad's voice ended softly.

What are they arguing about again? As far as I know, they never really have arguments. They're always so lovey dovey with each other. I'm not saying that they shouldn't argue. I'm just wondering out of deep curiosity.

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