Chapter 16

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Natalia's POV
I quietly trailed behind Sam and her friend as they both talked about some history report due at the end of this month. Long story short, I decided to visit Sam before heading back home after work. "I still can't believe your sister is an actual VS model." Sam's friend whispered in disbelief.

Ok, wow, I'm right here...behind you...quietly and awkwardly listening to your conversation as you walk. Sam's friend then again took a small glance at me and just...stared. "Hi." I said awkwardly and smiled. She gave me a wave and smiled back.

"Victoria, what is wrong with you? Don't stare at my sister, that's weird. Besides, staring at her for too long can make you want to bleach your eyes," Sam whispered while giving her the duh look. Victoria's eyes widened for a second before chuckling.

Haha, her name's Victoria and we're talking about Victoria's Secret. How ironic...

"Sam, I really hope you know that the conversation you're having is not a secret," I stated, raising my eyebrows. Sam's friend I guess, Victoria, tucked a piece of her hair behind her ears and looked forward. Ahhh, the shy type I'm guessing.

"Hey, it's all good. Anyways, let's go get that book you guys needed from the library," I said smiling.

They both nodded, agreeing to that plan. "Hey, um Nat?" Sam asked.

"Do you possibly have time to go get lunch with us? I haven't seen you in awhile and I thought that'd it'd be nice if you came along with us." I thought about my plans today. I don't think I have any.

"I'm free all day, so of course I'll go," I confirmed.

"Great!" Sam exclaims.

"Oh my goodness! I can't believe I'm going to eat lunch with the famous model, Natalia Henderson!" Sam adds in fake enthusiasm and smirks.

Giving her an eye roll, Victoria was looking at Sam with a surprised expression. "That's exactly what I was gonna say." We all looked at each other and laughed. We finally came to a stop in front of the library doors and headed inside.


Waiting for Sam to grab a book was a nightmare. It's been about 45 minutes of her saying 'Nah, what if this one doesn't have accurate enough data/information' or 'This one has too much information'. Seriously? Who says that? Isn't too much information good enough for whatever paper you're doing it on?

"I don't think I've ever seen someone take so long to grab a book!" I complain towards Sam which only earned me narrowing eyes. I let my body flop back into the small loveseat and feel the rumble of my poor stomach. I can almost here the words 'feed me' coming from my stomach. "Please tell me you're almost done cause I'm becoming a little hangry." Victoria looks at me, furrowing her eyebrows.

"You know? Like I'm becoming hungry and angry at the same time?" She mouths an 'ah' while nodding her head understandingly. I warily watch Sam pick out a book, look through it, then she shakes her head disapprovingly before putting it back on the shelf. That's what I've been watching for almost the past hour.

Note to self: Never accompany Samantha to the library ever again.

"Okay, you guys ready to go?" Sam asks, grinning at us.

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