Chapter 21

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Natalia's POV
I put on my robe after putting on my outfit. "Thank you for your guys' help," I said to the people who help put my wings on and they nodded.

Making my way through the hair artists doing everyone's hair, I see Sarah waving me over. "Come on, Nat. It's time for your interview right now." I followed Sarah to the line of girls and lots and lots of interviewers.

I'm surprised no one has managed to get interviewed yet. There are only a few hours left until the show starts, so maybe they're doing this a little different this year. Last year, they did a majority of interviews at the beginning. Hopefully I don't get one of those people who like to make you answer the stupid and pointless questions.

"Hey. Natalia, right?" I turn around to the person behind me.

The person standing behind me was Mei. "That's me. How are you?" I inquired while moving forward in the line. Turning back around to face her, a corner of her mouth quirks up as she thought about it.

"Good! No, that's kind of lie," She sadly says and shakes her head. I scrunch my face up in confusion, silently asking her why.

Why do I get the feeling Rachael and her mini posse has already bothered her? "It was girl name Raquel or Rochelle?" I chuckled a little at her use of words. The fact that she didn't remember Rachael's name gives me confidence that she won't be one of those people getting corrupted by her narcissistic ass.

"It was Rachael, wasn't it?" I sigh in exasperation. Like I said, they don't know when to stop. But seriously? Mei is new to this job and this country. I can't believe they can't even be the slightest bit mature for her sake.

Mei nods quickly in realization. Again, not surprised. I moved forward once again in the line and one of the interviewers shouted, "Next!" I wished Mei good luck and made my way in front of the camera woman.

Taking a deep breath, I mentally put my nervousness in the back of my brain and made my confidence shine. "So all you need to do is answer the questions like always! Remember to relax and stay confident, Natalia," She explained.


"You ready?" Damien asked, running his hand through his styled hair. We were currently standing at the entrance of backstage.

"It depends. Are you talking about appearance wise or about me tripping on the runway?" I jokingly questioned. Damien let out a small laugh, making me laugh as well.

Our laughs started fading and we just smiled at each other. "Hey, I'm serious, you go and have fun out there. Tripping and landing on your face or not, your folks will still be very proud of you."

I never thought that Damien could make such an encouraging friend after all these years of thinking about how weirdly mysterious he was. No one, not even Elena was this motivational towards me. He even pushes me to confess my love openly to Jackson. Whenever that happens, my answer is always, "I don't know."

Ugh! I need to stop being so afraid and indecisive, or else one day he might actually disappear out of my life. That thought made me feel even more afraid. "Natalia!" Damien shook me a little by my shoulders. Gaining my regular senses back, Damien gave me a strange look.

I let out a dazed 'hm' to him and let out a sigh as I took his hands from my shoulders, my heart pleading me to not be such a worry wart. Thoughts of Jackson and Laura once again invaded my brain and I couldn't understand why my brain and heart had to torture me like this. I realized that Jackson and I weren't a couple as much as I grew accustomed to the fact that maybe I really couldn't change him in that way.

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