Chapter 27

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Laura Charleston ^^

Jackson's POV

A little over a month later.

January 7th.

"Baby, I can't wait until our wedding," Laura said while attaching herself onto my arm as we walked down the sidewalk, bodyguards attending close by. I revealed a simple smile to her that looked real enough for the media.

Laura pulled me into a store with shelves that were stocked with shoes that screamed money. This is how it always went. Her heading into a store and making a a sad face, thinking she could guilt trip me into buying it for her. But guess what? I've said no every single time which made her furious, but apparently Laura's acting reputation was important enough for her not to act up in front of the media. That was the only thing saving me for right now.

I halted my steps immediately before transmitting a fake smile to Laura. You would've thought that someone would get the hint after you've given them the same response for the last eight stores.

She chuckled lowly, flipping her curled mane over her shoulders. "But baby, I'm your fiancée," She responded in a matter of fact tone with an undeviating smile.

Groaning lowly, I asked, "Your point is? I've said no in every store we went to, Laura. What makes you think I'm going to change my mind now?" Laura appeared to have a hard time controlling her rage as her face was fighting not to glare harshly at me.

"If you don't start being nicer to me, she's going to get it," She snapped as she pulled me closer. A group of people passed by and pointed at us with recognization. Wanting to choke the existence out of this evil woman, I forcefully yanked her out of the store and back into the direction of my car where my driver was standing.

Laura apparently thought that this was funny as her giggling rang in my ears. This only pissed me off to a greater extent. Pushing her into the car, I slammed the door shut. I've simply had enough of this girl! How could my mother set me up with this? She's a very attractive women, that's for sure but I can't stand any of her!

All that's ever happened between us was fighting, arguing, and nothing but a plate full of blackmail from her. And yet, my mother still surmises us as the perfect couple and she doesn't even know how vile Laura really is. Or she does but just doesn't care.

I don't care what happens, but I know one thing for sure. There was no way I was going to marry this woman, and I was going to make sure that Adam dies a slow and painful death. When I get my hands on that fucking bastard, who knows what will happen. Hurting my angel like that...

Yanking her towards me by her wrist, my driver questions 'where to' but doesn't receive an answer as I was going to deal with this first.

"Jackson, can you please loosen your grip?! For fucks sake, calm down. He'll only do something to her if you don't obey the rules, so I suggest you forget about even being friends with that rat." She glared while yanking me by my collared shirt, wanting to intimidate me.

As I was about to lose my mind, a knock interrupted our heated discussion. "Sir, it's your mother." The driver unlocked the door and in came devil number two. What did my mother want now? To tell me the wedding was in two weeks instead of two months?

"Jackson! Jackson, sweetie!" She exclaimed, jumping into the car beside us.

"Hello, Calla. You came at just the right time. I was just about to tell him." Their overly excited expression made me grow annoyed.

At this point, my mother rudely told my driver to drive around, so that the paparazzi wouldn't bunch around the car. "Tell me what, mom? You guys seem to be jumping around in your seats with me still not knowing anything." My voice raising an octave higher on the last word.

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