Chapter 39

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Sex by Chris Brown ^

Please VOTE and COMMENT! Don't hesitate to speak what's on your mind. Enjoyyyyy!

(Mature content is located in the other book on my profile for all you horny beasts😈😏😈. Warning though... the new smut chapter I made is a little bit more vulgar and steamier than the ones I've made so far💦😉 butttt... probably nothing you guys haven't read so far on Wattpad🤷‍♀️)


Jackson's POV

That woman had some nerve to actually think she was a part of my family cause she isn't. I looked out into the vast lake which was coated with thick clouds of fog. I was situated at the same place Natalia and I came to during our first date after dinner.

This was bound to emerge. For Calla. The divorce, me making sure she paid for everything that she's done, and it was all still such a disillusionment. I didn't feel satisfied with the thought that Calla's fate was already plunging down into the depths of hell. Something was lacking from my childhood memories.

A mom.

That's all I ever wished for.

A real mom.

Calla is my mother... but she didn't mother me or my sister. There's a huge difference.

A mother is a woman in relation to her child or children.

A woman who mothers a child is a woman who brings up a child with care and affection. Someone who cares for their child with kindness and protectiveness. To nurture. To cherish. To pamper them with love.

And to know that Calla has hated us as soon as we were born, hurt me terribly. I already knew she didn't love us, but to hear it from her personally, reopened a gash from my childhood.

As much as I hated her, I still cared deep down. And that simple feeling irked me terrifically. I still cared about what she thought of us because she was the woman who brought us into this world.

She was the woman who was supposed to care for us and tell us that she loved us everyday but instead, she told us how much she hated us and how meaningless our lives were to her.

It hurt so much as a child, knowing that my own mother wouldn't accept me no matter what I did. It hurt that she deliberately punished us sometimes when we did absolutely nothing. And just the intense hate that showed in her eyes when dad wasn't around was good enough to make us indeed feel worthless like she had told us.

It made us feel... so unwanted.

This is a nightmare. A nightmare that she created for me. A rock laying beside me had caught my attention. My brain was anxious to let out some of my anger, so I chucked the rock into the calm lake as hard as I could.


There it was. The lake was all calm and all happy with its life... then suddenly an unwanted object decides to come barging its way into its life. Creating a life changing disturbance.

How amusing. It's almost as if I'm making a connection with Calla. Her being the unwanted object in this situation.




The pure crunchiness the shoes of a human being makes when walking through a forest of leaves. And I think I know who the owner of those crunchy sounds are.

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