Chapter 9

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Damien above^^

"Hey Nat." I groan as I heard a voice whisper in my ear. I'm not sure who it is, and I'm pretty sure I don't care. I was too tired to even look.

"Nat, wake up." The person complained while trying to shake me. I still wasn't budging and just shifted on my other side, turning my back towards the person who was trying to ruin my precious sleep. You know what? I'll just put my pillow on my head.

All I heard was muffled shouting on the other side of my fluffy pillow. There was a silent pause.

"Good lord Natalia, it's two in the afternoon for god's sake! Wake your ass up!" The voice kind of sounded like Vivian's. "I'm warning you, I will do something you absolutely will not like." She warned. But I still wouldn't budge. Haha, nothing can ruin my sleep.

I sighed in content as I heard the door finally close and there was complete silence once again. I didn't care that it was two in the afternoon, I could sleep until five if I really wanted to. But for some reason, Vivian's threat kind of worried me.

You never want to mess with Vivian, and knowing her she really will do something I won't like. Suddenly, all I felt was cool water seeping into my clothes and onto my bed. They poured water on me...

I heard laughter boom in the room, but it died down. Yea, the pouring the water on me to wake me up doesn't work. It actually felt quite good, considering it was kind of hot in my room. "Are you kidding me? She's still not up?" I heard Vivian ask.

"Okay, well I guess the pancakes that we made downstairs are all going to waste." My eyes shot open, and I sat up quickly to see Vivian and Elena smirk. "Finally!" Vivian says. "You sleep like a bear, Natalia." I just shrug and get up to head to the door.

"Oh and there better be actual pancakes downstairs or else all hell will break loose." I smiled sweetly at them, and they smiled back at me giving me a thumbs up. "There is! We left you some protein pancakes that we made this morning!" I heard them shout in unison as I made my way down the cold, wooden stairs.

"Mom?" I breathed out as I entered the kitchen. "What are you doing here?" She turned around and gave me a small smile.

"What do you mean what am I doing here? Don't tell me you forgot." She raised her eyebrows at me. I don't think I've forgotten anything. Did I? She sighed and shook her head, chuckling.

"We came here because tomorrow is our family trip, and our flight tomorrow is at 4 am." She said while stirring pasta in a pot.

Oh right! Tomorrow's the flight to Belize! I'm so excited! "So, pack your stuff quickly cause we're gonna head back to the mansion in about three hours." My mom added. I nodded.

I walked to the table where the cold pancakes were lying and put three on a plate with syrup to top it off. Cold or not, these pancakes were bomb.

Suddenly the door opened along with argumentative voices filling my ears.

"It would've been a lot easier if you just stayed here to help mom." I heard Kaden's cold voice snap towards my sister. Why am I not surprised? There's never a time when these two ever stop fighting over the stupidest things.

"Well, it'd be a lot easier if you'd just cooperate with me for once instead of opposing towards my suggestions, Kaden!" She yelled angrily as they set down bags of groceries. They were giving each other hard glares.

I groaned in annoyance making them snap their head towards me. "If you two are just gonna argue this whole time, can you please do it somewhere else? I would love to enjoy these pancakes in peace." Kaden just rolled his eyes and made his way out of the kitchen.

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