Chapter Twenty Seven.

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*Guys when my dad went to pay for the actually tickets the transaction didnt go through!!!! So he didnt pay for the tickets so i didnt get them!!! I am so gutted! You wouldn't believe!!!*

I am now sat outside by a side exit. It is raining but I don't care. How fucking dare he. First he comes home tells me what to do at mums then decides my life at home is not good enough and that I am too much trouble. Taking me away from everything now he thinks after taking me weeks to settle in to this tour life with all these new people its okay to just take away the one person I felt connected with. By jumping to some conclusions by some fucking Sysco.

It makes me so angry he thinks its okay. I refuse to give Ben what he wants though. I will not let him know I am hurt. I am not gonna cry over it. I would rather bottle it. I hope Zayn realises soon what the hell he did. That was so wrong or I am gonna be in so much shit for swearing like that and hurting Louis.

Oh shit. Louis is a dickhead to in just his average mood. He is gonna be bloody impossible to deal with tonight after I have hurt him. Oh the joys.

I have sat out here now in the rain for a good half hour and it really is starting to get cold.

Just then the door opens I look the other way hoping the person will just go back in. "Ashlea it is gonna make you sick, please come inside?" Paul asked.

"Let me guess Zayn sent you to find me because he is too busy himself to do it?" I asked him. "No actually Preston spotted you on the CCTV cameras and told me." Paul explained. "Oh even better I said sarcastically. But I got and walked inside. He wrapped a towel round me. We walked to main part of the building were the stage is. I went and sat a few rows in hoping the boys won't knowledge my existence.

But I look up to see Paul talking to Zayn and Niall. Harry, Louis and Liam were too busy messing around to notice. I see both Zayn and Niall's eyes turn to my direction.  I just give Zayn an evil glare then look away. I have had enough of this if I am in trouble anyway let's just keep going.

I got up out my sit then walk out the door and start walking down the corridor. "Ash? Where you going?" Zayn asked me. Running down here with Paul. "Anywhere away from you!" I stated. Niall then runs down here to join us. I took a sigh then start walking again. "Right Ashlea I have had enough" Zayn told me sternly making me stoop to listen to what he has to say. "You are gonna go with Niall back to the bus dry off, get change and get warm. Then you are gonna stay with Paul during are show. We are still gonna go out for dinner and we will have a talk later about everything. Now go?" He told me.

"What?!? Can I not at least, go hang out with Ashton and sort it out with him?" I argued.

"How did you even find out that I hit Ashton?" He asked.

"He fucking told me" I cursed at him. "He fucking told you?" He asked shocked. "Yes Zayn and you are too leave him alone! As I told you before it was not real, it was a prank and Niall can even back me up!" I sassed to him. Zayn then looks at Niall. "Its true both me and Louis heard it." Niall confirmed it. "Louis heard it?" He asked confused. "yeah?" Niall said.

"Well he was with me when I punched Ashton and he just laughed." Zayn told us.

"Oh that's because Louis don't like him after he did bearly anything when Luke did that...that...thing" Niall said hinting at me. "Niall I know about that thing so don't try and hide it" Zayn told Niall.

*Guess your gonna have to wait for the next chapter to find out. Enjoy.*

The not so cool brother that is Zayn Malik (BSM) (One direction and 5sos story)Where stories live. Discover now