Chapter Fourty Eight

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Harry was stood in the kitchen by the window. "Who was that?" He asked my straight out.
"Urm just a friend" I told him. "Hmm" he replied but Zayn and Mum walked into the kitchen before I could say anything. Harry's definitely pissed off with me. Brilliant.

"Food!!" Zayn said taking the bag. "Took you long enough " Mum commented. Making Harry give me a devil look. Zayn started dishing the food out, I went upstairs to put my bag away and take my shoes off. I went back downstairs to find the only sit left next to Harry. Brilliant. I said down next to Harry. He completely avoided my eye contact. I put my hand on his thigh as comforted to him but he pushed my hand off. Yes he was definitely pissed off.
Zayn gave me a weird look he definitely knew something was going on. We ate our dinner with Mum and Zayn talking to each other loads buy me and harry not so much.
Once the dinner was finished Harry started clearing the plates from the table.

Zayn gave me a lot as if to question me. I got to help Harry to avoid Zayn's questions. Harry started washing the plates I was putting them away and drying them since I know where things go. Makes sense.
"Look Harry it's not what you think!" I tell Harry. "Really? What is it I think?" He asks. "Why do I even bother? You just a stroppy little boy not getting his own way!" I tell him.

"No actually I am a lad that doesn't want to get played. If it was nothing then Why did you hesitate when I asked you who he was?" Harry asked. "Jesus Harry I didn't realise you got so possessive over me if you really want to know, it's one of Zayn's old friends I bumped into getting food and I then got mugged by paps because I am dating your beautiful face." I told Harry. He seemed to have been thinking about it. He then leaned over to kiss me which I gladly returned.

We carried on cleaning the kitchen, once it was finished. Harry gave me a cuddle. "I didn't realise Mr Harry Styles could get so jealous!" I teased him who tickled me making me scream. "IT BEST BE PG IN THERE!!" I heard Zayn shout. Making me roll my eyes. We then went into the lounge to join Zayn and Mum.
Zayn was definitely eyeing me up and down to make sure we hadn't done anything.
"Mum has talked me into letting you stay for your last year of school on a few agreements. One is that if Ben even try's to talk to you, you walk away and tell me. Two you keep in touch daily. Three you come and visit. Four sort things out with your sisters." Zayn tells me. I nodded my head and agreed.

Harry was sat on his phone on twitter while I was talking to Zayn. He then showed me that picture.

 He then showed me that picture

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"Its like I said it happened." I told Harry leaning for a kiss. "If you seriously think I won't hit you because your in my house you got another thing coming Styles. Now behave kids." Zayn tells Harry.
Making me smirk at harry as it was my fault we kissed.
We started watching tv for a bit. Mum went up to bed leaving us to chill. Not long after Doniya came in.

"Wow! Can't say I excepted to see you guys here! But I did know Ash was in town from pictures with Chad" she said giving Zayn a hug. My stomach dropped.
"You saw chad?" Zayn then asked me. "I bumped into him when I was getting dinner and the paparazzi caught it." I told Zayn. "You forgot to mention he gave you a lift home!" Harry hinted.

"That explains why you two were so salty during dinner!" Zayn said. "Anyway let's move on! Doniya, where have you been so dressed up??" I ask her. She then gave me evils.

"I was on a date!" She told me. "WHAT?!? With who?!?" Zayn asks. "Just a friend!" She told Zayn. "Well it's clearly not just a friend if you went on a date Doniya!"
"Anyway we are staying the night, right Mr Styles to my displeasure the only place we got for you to stay is to share a bed with Ash! If I hear the slightest moan or bed bounce! You are coming downstairs and sleeping on the floor next to sofa I am staying on! You got it?!?" Zayn warns Harry.

I rolled my eyes and pulled Harry upstairs. I went into my room and stripped down to underwear then put on one of Harry's shirts. Harry changed into boxers and we climbed into bed. I cuddled into his chest then looked up at him we had a snog good night then went to sleep.



I woke up feeling something on my lower area. As soon as I realised it was Harry's mouth, I almost let a moan out till he throw his hand over my mouth. Reminding me Zayn was still home. He kept going so fast with his tongue it felt so good. I was getting closer to edge and I then was cumming. I held back wanting scream.

*Sexual content over *

When he was finished he got off the bed, grabbing his tooth brush and I got up to go brush my teeth. The top was long enough so I didn't put underwear on. We both went to the bathroom together. While we were doing our teeth, Mum walked in. She screamed closing the door.

"Jesus!! Next time put some clothes on!" She shouted. Making me laugh.
When me and harry went back to The bedroom. Zayn was walking up the stairs. "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS??" Zayn shouts at us.

The not so cool brother that is Zayn Malik (BSM) (One direction and 5sos story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя