Chapter Fourty One.

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No one in the room said anything. Someone comes in the room. "I'm not staying I just wanted to say when I found her in town centre she was with Ben" Niall tells Zayn then leaves...

Zayn looked speechless. Shocked. Confused. "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!?" He bursts out with.
He moves me out his arms so he can look me in the eyes.
I just slightly nod.
"Why the fuck would you even consider meeting him?" Zayn asks pissed off.

"I didn't meet up with him. I just bumped into him" I explained. "You thought hey why not hang out with this psycho of a boy" Zayn said sarcastically.
I stand up getting pissed off with Zayn. "I have no interest in staying in this room any longer if all your going to do is be a sarcastic little arsehole to me!!" I swore at Zayn.

Zayn then turned all serious. "I don't care what I do to annoy you. You will show me some respect and you are not allowed to swear! There is no need for such foul language!" Zayn tells me.
I was glaring at Zayn about to shout back but Harry steps in with Louis.

"Stop! This is not going to help Ashlea in anyway. Let's both take a cool off. I will take Ashlea for a walk. Louis will have a talk or a game on PlayStation with Zayn or something. " Harry tells us taking my hand and breaking my eye contact with Zayn taking me out the room.

He takes me outside but stops walking. "He means well. The problem is he has the same temper as you. So when you get pissed off at him. He gets pissed off at you." Harry said more explaining to himself than me making himself laugh. "Still doesn't give him a reason to be an arsehole".

"This is very true! Did you want to talk about what really happened in town today? I don't believe for one second you have gone running back to Ben " Harry tells me.

"No, I haven't but your the only one who seems to believe what I say and trust what I do these days" I tell him. He put his arm around my shoulder to comfort me and looks me in the eyes.
"Come on talk to me sweetie. I won't judge." He tells me.

"Well after everyone had heard what had happened i legged it not wanting to face everyone. I was going to head back to the hotel but as I was walking through town centre being the quickest way but I bumped into Ben. He is the most intimidating person I have ever meet!!" I tell Harry still staring into his eyes...

"I'm sorry I really didn't catch any of that. I was lost in your beautiful blue eyes!" Harry tells me smiling.
Harry grabs my head and starts kissing me. It felt so good, his soft wet lips on my soft lips with his tongue slipping into my mouth.

"Fucking hell!!" Someone shouts.. Making us jump apart. I felt my stomach drop. I look over to see Louis with his group of friends..

"What the fuck just happened?!?" Louis asks us. I look at Harry who smiled making me blush then look down. "Louis can we talk alone?" Harry asks him. So he nodded his head for his friends to go to the tour bus. Which they did.
"But seriously what just fucking happened? Zayn is going to beat your Arse Ashlea! Zayn is just going to fucking kill you Harry!!" Louis tells us still shocked.

"Please don't tell him Louis!" I begged him. "But it wasn't just a small peck Ashlea!! It was a full on eating each other's face snog!" Louis exaggerates.
"But it was an accident! It didn't mean anything I promise!! First and last time it will ever happen!!" I tell Louis.
"Well slight problem with that.." Louis says backing up ready to run away.

"Louis what the hell have you done?!?" Harry speaks up for the first time. "I was live streaming!! I caught you on it! Nothing I can do about that! Didn't expect you to be eating each other's faces!!" Louis tells us. I glare at Louis who then runs to the tour bus.
"I could fucking kill him!!" I shout pissed off. "Well we got some time before Zayn notices. We wouldn't of been watching the live stream so it's just until the fans start screenshoting it and hashtaging it!" Harry explains to me.

"But how the fuck do I tell Zayn he's pissed of with me!! Oh yeah hi Zayn I know your pissed off I spoke to Ben earlier but I went out and snogged Harry's face! Have a nice day!!" I yell at Harry sarcastically.

"Ashlea this is no time to be joking about!!" Harry tells me. "Who said I was fucking joking!! We're fucking screwed either way!! I say we run away and come back in 10 years and hope for the best!!" I tell Harry.
"Come on Ashlea we need realistic ideas on what to do!!" Harry tells me.

"Well you think he was angry earlier you just wait Harry!! Your gonna have his fist on your beautiful face very soon! As well as your butt in a hospital bed!!" I tell Harry now walking away from him and to the tour bus.
"Where are you going Ashlea? We need to sort this out!" Harry tells me.

"What's the point, we tell him we are in front of him screwed. We don't tell him and he comes and finds us then we're screwed! So I am going to prepare myself!!" I tell Harry and walk onto the bus.
Louis and the boys were sat in the lounge! Harry then walks on!
"Can't get enough can you boy" Stan Louis's friend says making his mates banter Harry.

Making me roll my eyes and walk into the bunk room. Louis stands in the way and blocks Harry from coming in. "Remember she's a malik she needs to cool down!" Louis tells him.
Harry sighs and walks off the bus.

*Update guys!! What do you think?!? The accidental kiss?!? The tension between Harry and Ashlea?!? Zayn finding out?!?*

The not so cool brother that is Zayn Malik (BSM) (One direction and 5sos story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz