Chapter Fourty Nine

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When me and harry went back to The bedroom. Zayn was walking up the stairs. "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS??" Zayn shouts at us.

I felt my stomach drop. I turned to Zayn. As Harry kept going into the bedroom. "Look Zayn it's not what it looks like, let me explain it to you?" I tell Zayn. "What's there to explain he is in his boxers and it's pretty damn obvious you got no fucking underwear on Ashlea!!" Zayn shouts getting angry.

Louis then walks up the stairs. I just stopped and stared at him. "Calm down darling I have come to help you." Louis tells me. "Zayn let's go downstairs let them get dressed and we can sort this out downstairs after?" Louis suggests to Zayn.
"Not a fucking chance!!" Zayn shouter. He then grabbed my arm dragging me into his room. Now I am scared. "Hey mate, not sure that's a good idea" Louis tried getting Zayn off me.

"No she's my sister!" Zayn says getting over protective. "Zayn you need to calm down. You are completely over reacting. I am not getting hurt because you are over reacting." I told Zayn. Trying to leave his room but he put his arm across his door frame to stop me. I looked at Louis unsure of what to do. "Either way. I am not happy with you two getting ready in the same room. It's obvious something happened between you two. The fact it's in my own fucking house is disgusting." Zayn tells me pissed off. Zayn then walked into my room leaving me in his doorway with Louis stood next to me. Zayn got me a change of clothes including underwear then walked back over to me. He definitely said something to Harry.

He passed me the clothes, I then went into Zayn's room and got changed. I walked out leaving old clothes in Zayn's room to get later to be greated by Zayn. "No. I ain't going backwards because of this." I tell Zayn. "Just until we sort this out." He tells me. I sigh then walk downstairs. I sat at the kitchen table.

Zayn started making breakfast, Harry downstairs and he walked over to me then kissed me on the lips. "I do not think so" Zayn said moving Harry away from me by his waist. "I can not believe you had the audacity to mess around with my sister even after I warned you not to but not just that! In my own fucking childhood house!! What the fuck were you thinking Styles!! I tell you what you wasn't thinking with your brain anyway!! You were thinking with your dick in mind!!" Zayn ranted.

"Are quite finished?" I ask Zayn. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "If you really want to know Zayn I have never seen Harry's dick and I don't plan on it anytime soon either. As you guys are going to go back on tour and I am going to stay here in Bradford." I tell Zayn.

Both Harry and Zayn look at each other and started laughing.

I looked at Louis who is stood in the doorway. What is with that boy and doorways. Anyway Louis looks just as confused as me. "What are you two laughing at?" I ask them. "The fact you think your staying here. There's no way you thought it through." Harry said. 
"As much as I want to hit this boy right now he is right. Your not staying in Bradford." Zayn said.

"What why not? I grew up here. This is the safest place for me to be?" I tell them both.
"Right you want me to leave you in place a boy basically raped you and wants revenge on you lives. As well as a girl who you would of have had a fist fight with if we left you to it. Sounds like the safest place for you to be. Get a grip Ashlea!!" Zayn told me.

"NO for once I want you to listen to me Zayn! I want to stay at home with my mother and my sisters. I want to finish my last year off education in the school I have grown up in to prove a point to everyone that I don't hide from people. I want to see my other brothers as well as my Dad, you may have had an argument with him but I ain't suffering because of it!!". I ranted to Zayn. He just walked away from me and out the door.

"No Zayn let's talk about this" I said running after him. "Ashlea please go back inside. I can't deal with this right now" Zayn tells me. "Whatever don't say I didn't try" I said walking away.

The not so cool brother that is Zayn Malik (BSM) (One direction and 5sos story)Where stories live. Discover now